Friday, September 23, 2016

THE FORBIDDEN NEWS(Obama/Killary's skeleton in the closet news): Another white father of three was gunned down by black terrorist in South Africa for pleasure sake...

Exactly two weeks ago, I have written about how white 35 years old father of three was gunned down in-front of his kids and wife by black terrorists in South Africa and today..well...I am writing you about another white father of three(only 39) was shot in the back by black terrorists(aka "hijackers") and this even after he willingly handed them over his car keys....


Shouldn't you ask yourself and them(free press) per why is that you know nothing about it !!?

Hijackers gun down dad after he hands over his keys

21 September 2016, 6:56pm

Cape Town - A father was shot in the back by hijackers, who killed him after he willingly handed over his car keys.

The hijackers fled with Grant Fredericks' VW Polo after Tuesday night's attack at a tuck shop, and used it in an attempted robbery at a jewellery store at a Claremont shopping mall on Tuesday.

But the five suspects were arrested after one of them was cornered by security staff at the mall just after 10am.

An illegal firearm was seized and police traced the red Polo to Grant, 39.

The suspects, aged between 23 and 32, are expected to appear in court soon on charges of murder, attempted armed robbery and the possession of a firearm.

The father of two left his home in San Remo, Strandfontein, on Tuesday just before 9pm.

Grant got out of his car and walked to Al-Amin Superette, in Milano Street, which is just down the road from his home.

He bought a cooldrink and as he walked out, he was confronted by the armed men.

Grant showed the men his car keys, ready to hand over his vehicle.

But the gunmen took his keys, and as he turned around, they shot him in the back, before driving off in his car.

Grant's body lay outside the shop, dressed in a shorts and slippers.

Shocked relatives and neighbours rushed to the scene and immediately identified him as the husband of a well-known hairdresser in Strandfontein, Allison’s hair and beauty Salon.

On Tuesday, Allison had the difficult task of identifying his body at the morgue and was too distraught to speak to the Daily Voice.

Meanwhile, police say the robbers' crime spree came to an end after they struck at a jewellery store.

The men held the staff at gunpoint and began smashing glass displays.

But when the alarm was triggered, the suspects panicked and ran into the mall.

One suspect was nabbed by security guards and the other four were captured by police.

Police spokesperson, Lieutenant Colonel Traut, says swift police work managed to get the robbers and alleged killers behind bars.

“Five armed suspects attempted to perpetrate a robbery at a jewellery store in a shopping mall in Claremont on Wednesday morning, their luck ran out and they were arrested,” he says.

“The suspects entered the store at 10am and held staff at gunpoint and smashed display cabinets, when the alarm was triggered.

“In a panic, they fled empty-handed and ran into the mall where security managed to apprehend one of the suspects.

“Police responded swiftly to the complaint, which resulted in the arrest of the other four suspects and the seizure of an illegal firearm.

“They were also found in possession of a stolen VW Polo which was traced to an incident [on Tuesday] night in Strandfontein where a 39-year-old man was shot and killed during the robbery of his vehicle.

“The suspects aged between 23 and 32 are due to appear in court soon.”



The situation in South Africa became perfect across the night(PERFECTO)......since new year 2016 started, there is almost no crime to report and everything is wonderful now(main stream media doesn't report much on crime even that country is utterly on fire these days - lt was much different last year when crime was reported to the public !!!).... 

At least this is what criminally insane South African government and police would want us to pursue the rainbow nation as.... but what is the reality !!?

THE SITUATION IS MUCH MUCH WORSE THAN WHAT YOU SEE HERE..... I BELIEVE THAT MOST(most) OF THE CRIME GOES THESE DAYS(specially) DELIBERATELY UNSEEN(unreported) IN SOUTH AFRICA(crime capital of the world) PER SOUTH AFRICAN GOVERNMENT(orders to police and main stream media - either report crime as properly handled or do not report one at all) !!!  

South Africa is One Of The Most Corrupt, Violent And Murderous Unsafe Countries In The World 

ps. The numbers have come out suggesting how over 55 people are violently murdered per day in South Africa(government claims 50 which is already astronomically high) and State-owned SABC(South African Broadcasting) have banned broadcasting of violent protests throughout the country for entire two months(court interdict finally topped this lunacy)....SOUTH AFRICA = REAL BLACK DICTATORIAL ORWELLIAN(Soviet) STATE WHERE OUR WHITE PEOPLE(white minority) ARE NOTHING MORE THAN HOSTAGES !!!

Beside physical white genocide(slaughtering) that is taking place against our white people, a white citizen by the name Penny Sparrow was recently charged $10.000 USD penalty for incident that involved her use of words I cite, "These monkeys" and black South African government have atop of that stolen $7.000 USD from her saving account(everything)...she was left jobless and homeless in fear for her life and on mercy of black rapists and killers who have delivered her life threats daily to her door steps(no protection was ever offered to her by government who have in fact incited in her death via main stream media) !!! All this while top black South African officials(regular terrorists who have incited in over 90.000 deaths of our white people) such as president Zuma or Malema are openly singing(inciting) in white genocide as seen here = AND !!!

Black South African government refers to its slaughtering and terrorism against whites a "constitutional democracy" !!!

Thursday, September 22, 2016

UN SPEECH 2016: Obama And His Holy War on White Race Exposed !!! THE END OF OBAMA !!!

Obama's United Nation 2016 speech explained and exposed !!! A real economic bubble that is about to explode(financial disaster),  white genocide in South Africa, racial war on the streets of Europe that took place during his speech while he even dared to demand for our countries to absorb more rapefugees, I explain what real economy is in this world and not what Obama suggests during his speech(the omitted and inconvenient truth for libetards and commietards is revealed - what Mexican presidents fear would become well known), social and main stream media exposed, words "racist is explained or why one can't even imply to white individual or white race, rejection of "integration" is explained, what best walls are made out of(not bricks - I tell you that), phenomena of ZEKA and EBOLA for Mr. Donald Trump should never ever become a matter of choice; it is your duty and legacy to this life !!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Not "if", but instead "when" is the question now...Our future president Mr. Donald Trump warned about Obama's bubble already on December the 19th, 2015 !!! 

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Rigged Russian 2016 Elections Exposed !!! Could This 70 Years Old News Repeat Also in USA !!? Russian People Are Now Held Hostage By Communist Oligarchs !!!


Related video about Putin's Russia....Part 2: Donald Trump won the 2016 elections, but civil war and WWIII are here !!!

It must be hard for Melania Trump who is by the way from the same country as myself and almost same town...This is what have had happened in Slovenia to the preferred presidential candidate who opposed to Slovenian Oligarchs/Tycoons/Apparatchiks... Melania is same age as I am, so she knows about it very well...Roger Stone have had also expressed his concerns in respect to this subject and the corrupt(criminal) Washington's syndicate that can't be trusted(specially talking about you CIA) !!! PRAY FOR MR. TRUMP !!!

George H W Bush Expresses a Public Support For Killary Clinton 2016 !!! Now lets see how that looks in reality...


The truth about US presidential elections in 2016 that media doesn't want you to know about and see...

Monday, September 19, 2016


I Need Your Urgent Help Due to Forced Hospitalization - I Have No Rights Whatsoever Already Since 2012

I have no right to police records(am told that I will be again thrown behind walls of mental institution upon submitting the request for information that have involved forced psychiatric hospitalization in July of 2012 at the local police station in Novo mesto), I have no right to hospital records where I was hospitalized(there was no reason to keep me in there the very first day or upon my arrival as psychological evaluations were conducted and I have passed them immaculately), I have no right to second opinion from independent psychiatrists, I have no right to courts(free legal aid was denied to me), I have no right to help of any kind(the court processes/procedures against me were fixed at the psychiatric institution's convenience - lawyers are selected by the state and I have no say on court of law - whatsoever...I was told repeatedly by this by state selected "lawyers" that it would take too much time for them to pay attention to my case since it is pro bono). I am repeatedly threatened against freedom of speech which I exercise via internet. And I never ever was officially diagnosed with symptoms of the disease for which psychiatrists in Slovenia claim that I have(they claim that I have schizophrenia). However, they have never ever suggested what could be wrong with me(no symptoms ever), but do demand that I accept their schizophrenia diagnosis. 

When hospitalized, I was twice overdosed with psychiatric drugs to the point when I almost died.

Please see video titled as "Political Asylum Against Member EU State Slovenia and USA" !!!

I am American and Slovenian citizen(have double citizenship, but was born in Slovenia) and am political activist - heavily involved participant in politics already since 2006(on youtube alone since 2010) !!! In 2007, I was independent presidential candidate in Slovenia(at this opportunity, I was also heavily humiliated as the local bank wouldn't issue me even a proper presidential bank account ID - as seen on the picture and was never mentioned or seen anywhere in the press during my candidacy)....
I have never life threatened or placed in dangerous situation anyone and that includes myself...I have never engaged in violence against anyone and that includes my parents who have initially submitted bogus claim against me at the local police station(they are willing to testify stated here) on behalf of the state of Slovenia to forcefully stop me from political activities....when in USA, my goal was to become police officer(I have passed all the requirements that included immaculate criminal background check, physical exam, written tests,  as well as polygraph examination on what my application was rejected in Miami at the local DADE county due to unknown reasons) or federal agent.

I have never had any of the next:

-- Hearing or seeing something that isn’t there(have never had any of paranoia of any sounds and no ghosts).

-- A constant feeling of being watched(have never had one).

-- Peculiar or nonsensical way of speaking or writing(I am expert at speaking and writing).

-- Strange body positioning(do not have one, I am athletically built and do exercise regularly).

-- Feeling indifferent to very important situations(do not feel any different in any given situations - I am the master of my fate and the captain of my soul).

-- Deterioration of academic or work performance(my academic or work performance are epitome for society).

-- A change in personal hygiene and appearance(I am clean, well groomed, and well dressed)

-- A change in personality(have never changed my personality and one is extremely stable).

-- Increasing withdrawal from social situations(I am involved in social activities 24/ page have had already on regular bases over 200.000 views per week).

-- Irrational, angry or fearful response to loved ones(never had any of this as I am extremely rational and self controlled individual).

-- Inability to sleep or concentrate(never had this problems - I am writer and video recorder)

- Inappropriate or bizarre behavior(am not part of - I am normal, clean, well behaved/manner person as it only gets).

-- Extreme preoccupation with religion or the occult(never had).

Proofs of my political involvements include:

Daily report pages where I invest over 8 hours per day and 7 days a week:

My video channels:

My blogs:

Please apply your influence on human rights organizations to have them handle this case or do get involved personally in this situation. Thank you for your attention and help. I am impatiently awaiting your positive response to my plea.

Sincerely yours,
Bostjan Avsec(Bastian Auser)



ps. I was not and am not the only pro white activist who was persecuted against under Obama's administration(regime)....after 87 days in solitary confinement, political asylum seeker Henrik Holappa who have spent all together 328 days in USA was deported back to Finland.


Regarding my personal return to USA from Slovenia(I was already back then threatened by Slovenian government in Slovenia how they would simply place me in mental hospital if not leaving the country - I was forced to show them my American passport upon their visitation at home residence in Slovenia) in 2008, I was blacklisted from obtaining any kind of employment in Obama's America and abroad...I was life threatened so frequently by random people on behalf of US Government when in the states(in 2008/2009) that I have even managed to audio record voice threats and have them posted on internet for others to see in 2010 upon return to parents' house in Slovenia("you either leave America or we will kill" you was the name of the game...."we don't want you in America any more" - all audio recorded and available for you at your request)....I do not believe that anyone in modern history have endured government abuse as much as I did...

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Part 2 of 2: PSYCHIATRISTS !!! American CIA(Obama) want me dead NOW !!!

American CIA(Facebook) have done everything possible to destroy me and now Slovenian psychiatrists are here to kill me per Obama...

Video can be also seen at: OR OR OR 

IT CAME OUT IN THE END THAT PUTIN AND KGB HAD THE LEAST TO WITH IT AS THE TWO DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WHAT WAS TAKING PLACE BEHIND AMERICAN IRON CURTAIN OF DEATH IN MY CASE !!! PUTIN WAS THE ONLY BIG POLITICIAN WHO TRULY CARED ABOUT WHITE INTEGRATION ON GLOBAL SCALE TO END EVERLASTING CONFLICTS AND SELF EXTERMINATION Putin in his own words to me, "I just want to make sure that they accept us"...I can't blame him nor for his words and nor for his actions. You are a great man Putin. You have publicly expressed concern for freedom of Americans and were even threatened with war for such actions by EU politicians an crazy train known as Lindsey Graham/John McCain !!! Its a shame what Donald Trump's administration is doing to those of us(incl. Russia) who supported him to his presidency. 

ANDREJA JERIC , Andreja jerič , TATJANA PROKSELJ , Tatjana Prokšelj , Avsec Bostjan , Bastian Auser , Ljubljana University Medical Centre , Danilo turk , Borut Pahor , Slovenija , Slovenia , Komunizem v Sloveniji , Barack Obama , Vladimir Putin , KGB , CIA , assasinations , torture ,  psychiatry , violent psychiatry , CIA Facebook , Zoran Muidza , Zoran Muidža , Ljubljana Polje , Umobolnica Ljubljana Polje , Genocide , Mučenje , psychological torture , communism in Slovenia , Auser Times


Dailymotion channel

Second Youtube channel


--- Marching Against the Genocide of Whites in South a Africa by Bastian Auser(deeply specialized in South African affairs concerning our white minority)

---GLOBAL PATRIOTS INDEX(blogs or how I got started publicly together with videos):

Part 1 of 2: PSYCHIATRISTS !!! American CIA(Obama) and Russian KGB(FSB Putin) want me dead NOW !!!

American CIA(Facebook) have done everything possible to destroy me and now Slovenian psychiatrists are here to kill me per Obama...

ANDREJA JERIC , Andreja jerič , TATJANA PROKSELJ , Tatjana Prokšelj , Avsec Bostjan , Bastian Auser , Ljubljana University Medical Centre , Danilo turk , Borut Pahor , Slovenija , Slovenia , Komunizem v Sloveniji , Barack Obama , Vladimir Putin , KGB , CIA , assasinations , torture ,  psychiatry , violent psychiatry , CIA Facebook , Zoran Muidza , Zoran Muidža , Ljubljana Polje , Umobolnica Ljubljana Polje , Genocide , Mučenje , psychological torture , communism in Slovenia , Auser Times

IT CAME OUT IN THE END THAT PUTIN AND KGB HAD THE LEAST TO WITH IT AS THE TWO DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WHAT WAS TAKING PLACE BEHIND AMERICAN IRON CURTAIN OF DEATH IN MY CASE !!! PUTIN WAS THE ONLY BIG POLITICIAN WHO TRULY CARED ABOUT WHITE INTEGRATION ON GLOBAL SCALE TO END EVERLASTING CONFLICTS AND SELF EXTERMINATION Putin in his own words to me, "I just want to make sure that they accept us"...I can't blame him nor for his words and nor for his actions. You are a great man Putin. You have publicly expressed concern for freedom of Americans and were even threatened with war for such actions by EU politicians an crazy train known as Lindsey Graham/John McCain !!! Its a shame what Donald Trump's administration is doing to those of us(incl. Russia) who supported him to his presidency.


Dailymotion channel

Second Youtube channel


--- Marching Against the Genocide of Whites in South a Africa by Bastian Auser(deeply specialized in South African affairs concerning our white minority)

---GLOBAL PATRIOTS INDEX(blogs or how I got started publicly together with videos):

Friday, September 16, 2016

Part 3: Donald Trump won the 2016 elections, but civil war and WWIII are here !!!


DONALD TRUMP NEWS - Hillary Clinton is finished, but war for freedom is far from over !!! Obama(CIA) will do everything possible to stop you and that includes sparking a civil war which will more likely than not(99.9% chance) result in WWIII. It is just the matter of time now....I explain why WWIII is unavoidable in this video and in part 3 what should be done immediately to avoid second American civil war and WWIII(immediately) !!! NOW OR NEVER !!!




Dailymotion channel

Second Youtube channel


--- Marching Against the Genocide of Whites in South a Africa by Bastian Auser(deeply specialized in South African affairs concerning our white minority)

---GLOBAL PATRIOTS INDEX(blogs or how I got started publicly together with videos):

Part 2: Donald Trump won the 2016 elections, but civil war and WWIII are here !!!


DONALD TRUMP NEWS - Hillary Clinton is finished, but war for freedom is far from over !!! Obama(CIA) will do everything possible to stop you and that includes sparking a civil war which will more likely than not(99.9% chance) result in WWIII. It is just the matter of time now....I explain why WWIII is unavoidable in this video and in part 3 what should be done immediately to avoid second American civil war and WWIII(immediately) !!! NOW OR NEVER !!!




Dailymotion channel

Second Youtube channel


--- Marching Against the Genocide of Whites in South a Africa by Bastian Auser(deeply specialized in South African affairs concerning our white minority)

---GLOBAL PATRIOTS INDEX(blogs or how I got started publicly together with videos):

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

US Government have now partially responded on my concerns regarding ongoing white genocide in South Africa....

US Government officials who have ignored white South African genocide for entire 23 years, have now responded on my personal request which I have submitted to various American Government as well as world wide agencies and will get involved in South African affairs....Here is my official complain that dates back to almost one month and half

 Official email from US Government received on today's date

 Official email from US Government's update on Sept. 17th, 2016....

US Government as well as other world agencies do understand that hidden(white genocide) will no longer be possible to hide from the public(even more with Mr. Donald Trump's future presidency which is just around the corner)...

If you believe that it is news like this(this is a cause and not news) that does make difference for the sake of your existence, please click on support button of this page...thank you....

Monday, September 12, 2016

I am becoming totally isolated. US Government is in a hurry to get me killed. I am no longer allowed to even share posts on my friends timelines or post to their walls. Situation is becoming really tense now....

People who know me in person or via internet were advised by governments to avoid any contact(or have communication) with me me at all costs(they were warned by governments to keep distance from me is what I was told by several friends now and not only by one individual)....this is becoming very dirty Obama/Clinton's game....if I get killed in the process, I will not get killed because of Obama or Clinton, but instead because of you who have watched it all along and have done nothing about it !!! Please share !!!