Saturday, October 29, 2016

Could US authorities publicly state the CAUSE of Major General John Rossi's death !!? Suicide is NOT the cause and can never ever be the cause in any case of any individual on earth !!!

I am certain that you have heard for the death of Major General John Rossi that took place at what government claims was July 31st, 2016 !!! There are more that enough stories(OLD ONE and the RECENT ONE) out there that you can take time to read them, however, very little(less than nothing since everything is hidden and clustered in order to create more damage than good - this is what problems without answers cause) is what you will learn from them...

Why do you(yes, you government or what is main stream media) believe that I will assume based on stupid(idiotic) statement as seen above that he did made a suicide when we are not allowed to even know the cause of his death after 89 days !!!??? What have we become or have had turned into under Obama !!!?? Into human beings with lesser developed brain capacity than the one that is present in animals !!!????

Main stream media is stressing out to public an illogical(totally irrational) statement as per Major General John Rossi's cause of death is a suicide...

To understand a government brainwashing with lies as seen in this example, we must first understand what suicide is(I do NOT mean stuff such as assisted etc. suicide, but other issues..we must first set priorities in understanding of everything we know if we are to accomplish anything at all !!! QUICK INPUT ON IMPORTANCE OF UNDERSTANDING AND YET ANOTHER ONE OF MY PERSONAL QUOTES: everybody understands little of everything and few understand what only few can, however, nobody understands everything - except God off course !!!)...there are certain issues with English language(law enforcement definitions as well) itself that should be corrected by linguists and others who tend to design(engage in) social engineering....

---Taken straight from wikipedia : Suicide is the act of intentionally causing one's own death.[1] Risk factors include mental disorders such as depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, personality disorders, alcoholism, or substance misuse.[2][3] Others are impulsive acts due to stress such as from financial difficulties, troubles with relationships, or from bullying.[3][4] 

Please allow me to correct the newest phenomena(totally wrong perception that government is trying to use - confuse with general public) in respect to the definition of the word "suicide" as well as other issues and have them sequenced(sorted out for you) in proper logical order as is the case in ALL other languages !!!

The word "cause" in reality translates into: 

--German Ursache(Ursache, Grund, Anlass, Veranlassung etc. - translated to reason, reason/based on, reason or grounds for etc...) 

--Russian причина(reason, why, root, groun)

--Spanish porque/causa(reason, the cause, ground, why)

--French cause(cause, raison, etc. - translated to reason, cause)

and I could go on and on because word "cause" is universal in all other of the word "cause" date to c.1200, "reason for action, grounds for action; motive," from Old French cause "cause, reason; lawsuit, case in law" (12c.), and directly from Latin causa "a cause; a reason etc..

Straight to the subject...

My primary point is per why is it that in English language, word CAUSE is used at government convenience to shadow what should be and is word REASON(this is the proper word that should be used instead and not "cause" in this very case) !!!????

My point(secondary one) is that I want to know what was the cause of Mr. Rossi's death(not the REASON which was substituted by government with word CAUSE, but the CAUSE or what exactly caused his death is what I want to know) !!! Was the cause of his death POSSIBLE rope around his neck, gun wound or wounds(bullet(s)) inflicted on his head or elsewhere, drug/alcohol/medications overdose, or some other form of physical harm !!!????




89 DAYS FOR WHAT !!!!!?????? What have had happened US Government !!!???? 

89 days and no answer per how he died or what caused his death !!!?? The only answer we get is I cite ,"Cause of Rossi' death is a suicide" !!!? 


HELLO US GOVERNMENT !!! DON'T WORRY ABOUT YOUR CLASSIFICATION OF DEATH(although you should, but we know that you lie as soon as you open your mouths) IN THIS CASE, WE WANT TO KNOW INSTEAD (AND WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO KNOW) THE REASON...THE CAUSE(what caused his death if not already HOW !!! What killed him...what was it that have inflicted deadly wound to his body) OF HIS DEATH IS WHAT WE WANT TO KNOW AT LEAST AND NOT YOUR DEFINITION OF HIS DEATH !!!

GOT IT !!!????

In Associate Justice of the Supreme Court Mr. Scalia's case, possibility exists that one was murdered with pillow(this case have also taken place recently - February 13, 2016, Shafter, TX and so did many other that you are about to see and hear about)...

Facts about Mr. John Rossi:

John Rossi was 55 years old and have served 33 years in service. From psychological view and according to my evaluations, Rossi was mentally VERY strong individual(not only have he graduated from West Point in 1983, but do you think that US military would have him around for 33 years and was about to promote him to take command of the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command/Army Forces Strategic Command if his mental health was so fragile !!!??? I DON'T THINK SO !!!). Let me tell you, people like Rossi don't give s*** about PTSD as per even addressing(ponder/mediate on/etc.) one as a personal issue (yes to help others, but not him dealing with such issues with himself - no way) because they are born machines !!! You could have beaten him up every day or expose him to other abuse(incl. war), and he would just continue to go for it...for the top(for the neck and for the head) !!! Rossi alike elements were thought to NEVER look or turn back when considering personal goals(perusing personal cause), but to instead concentrate on future and match one with past only to accomplish the desired(ultimate) me, I know so...also keep in mind that PTSD(Posttraumatic stress disorder) affects mostly low ranking military members/officers(at his rank and even near his rank, he is for sure the first one whose death is classified as a make things even more extreme in his case, a suicide as a ACTIVE member and not even retiree !!!)...also keep in mind that Rossi knew very well what Posttraumatic stress disorder is - people like Rossi(top dogs) often match psychology knowledge level of professional psychologists due to personal experience in public life(stress as well as ability to observe others) and he had one a LOT(33 years hands on experience) !!! More...Rossi assisted(he raised/voiced his concerns about one publicly) others with PTSD issues(was active in this field and was well familiarized with one - his head was oriented toward helping others with this issue what translates that he never ever would have considered something that he have campaigned against) and would certainly seek help with professionals if in need...

55 years old Mr Rossi who was about to become promoted(what was his ultimate goal his entire life) not only was deprived of his promising and prosperous career, but also new home at Redstone Arsenal, his beautiful wife Liz, three children(Dominic, Maria and Angelina), and a granddaughter named Kylie....

Is it possible that Mr Rossi committed a suicide !!!?? If you were to ask me this question, first tell me(answer) how he died(not the nature of his death, but HOW) or the cause of his death and then we will discuss the rest...

Similarly(this case is actually even worse) the case is with our white people in South  Africa(white minority) upon assassinations performed against them by black savages which take place on behalf of South African government who is openly inciting in white genocide via TV/RADIO etc., our people often don't have even the right to know the race of the murdered individuals when those gruesome killings take place(over 90.000 of our whites were murdered in South Africa so far within just 23 years and over million of them are stationed in white CONCENTRATION camps about !!! Facts about which nobody dares to say anything about it !!!) South African regime is desperately hiding the truth about white genocide and from them and from the world....WE MUST NOT ALLOW OR TOLERATE THIS TYPE OF MAIN STREAM MEDIA REPORTING !!! WE MUST NOT ALLOW THIS TO BECOME NEW HABIT ON A ROAD TO HELL WHERE OBAMA/CLINTON'S ADMINISTRATIONS ARE FORCEFULLY TAKING US(world have already figured out Obama/Clintons and now it is time to stop this madness !!! ENOUGH !!!) !!!


Note to wikipedia and social engineering(linguists, psychologists etc.):

I am NOT saying that one can't cause him/herself a death and that his/her self inflicted death shouldn't be classified as suicide as wikipedia correctly suggests up there; I am just saying that suicide is not a reason for the death as law enforcement(main stream media etc.) SINCE JUST RECENTLY have begun to classify(assert to public as seen under this case) one as - if you get me !!! 

Just as suicide's risk factors include mental issues in an individual that can(POSSIBLY and you should seek professional help if you happen to suffer from any of those) gradually lead into a suicide, we must also clarify(insist on) fact that reason/cause for individual's death must be classified as the one that have had detrimental(deadly and final) impact on a body of a living being !!!

PTSD issue seems to be also a possible license to kill for US Government against our veterans who get politically involved in homeland affairs after completion of military service...their deaths as seen(very possibly) under this very case(regardless of how high positions they have managed to attain during service) become like this only a part of PTSD'S STATISTICS which no one dares to question !!! 

Joseph Stalin's quote was I cite, "The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic." !!!

Watch this video to understand why is it also so important to fight back against the your part, share - create awareness about what is taking place and foremost DEMAND from government transparency when it comes to deaths like this...WE DON'T WANT DEATHS TO BECOME TOTALLY CENSORED AS THE CASE ALMOST IS IN SOUTH AFRICA WITH OUR WHITE MINORITY AND OR BE EVEN LIED ABOUT PER WHAT TRULY CAUSED DEATHS AS THE CASE IS IN THIS AMERICAN(not isolated) INCIDENT(in fact, US Government is using the very South African model as explained here to progress destruction of the white culture in America...they are using bloodbath experience from South Africa for their goals in America and we all know what those are and by whom they are implemented - on whose behalf)....ENOUGH IS ENOUGH !!! THIS MUST STOP NOW !!! 

Don't take it(freedom that doesn't even exist, but you do owe one to your progeny) for granted or you and your family members too will become part of the statistics sooner than latter !!!

Thank you for taking time to read through...this free article was written and provided for you by Bastian Auser

Thursday, October 27, 2016

House of horrors' murder trial opens in Germany..Diese Geschichte klingt wie das Drehbuch eines grausigen Horrorfilms …

With third world's rapefugee's invasion and broken economy(Frau Merkel's wunder - miracle for Germany), some native Germans are turning to insane(sadistic) games and ways to survive(earn the money) that no one sane could possibly have come to an end...Satan prays on innocent in every town, village, and even  street corner - horror/madness on global scale(from corrupt government officials to insanity that is prevailing among general population) !!! Story is related to the article released just yesterday I cite, "Brazilian man allegedly held captive by his family for at least 15 years"(read HERE) !!!

Key words for this article are: entrapped women, house of horrors, severe head injuries and as a a result a death in the hospital, personal newspaper ads, forced servitude, one corpse missing, systematically break their victims' spirit through beatings, ripping out their hair, chaining them up and exposing them to severe cold, one woman held for over three months in 2011-12 before finally allowed to leave, 100,000 euros etc...

Yahoo(in English) and Bild(in German)

Defendant Wilfried Wagener (C) stands next to his lawyers Detlev Binder (L) and Carsten Ernst (R) in the courtroom of the regional court in Paderborn, northern Germnay, on October 26, 2016 ahead of the trial against him and his ex-wife

Berlin (AFP) - A German couple accused of luring women to their village home with personal ads went on trial Wednesday over charges they tortured and killed two of them.

Wilfried and Angelika Wagener allegedly entrapped at least eight women over the years in what the media has dubbed the "house of horrors" case.

They are accused of cutting up one 33-year-old woman in 2014, deep-freezing her remains and later burning them in the fireplace of their home in the central German village of Hoexter.

At the trial's opening the 46-year-old man, bearded with a black jacket, and the woman, 47, wearing a brown ponytail looked impassive as they sat in the dock, separated by justice officials.

They were arrested last May after their car broke down while they were transporting a 41-year-old woman with severe head injuries who died hours later in hospital.

Chief prosecutor Ralf Meyer on Wednesday outlined details of the case that has sparked widespread revulsion in Germany amid fears the couple may have had more victims.

Meyer said the couple drew women to their home with personal newspaper ads in the man's name, then colluded to entrap and abuse them and force them into "servitude".

- 'One corpse missing' -

The couple sought to systematically break their victims' spirit through beatings, ripping out their hair, chaining them up and exposing them to severe cold, he told the court in Paderborn, North Rhine-Westphalia state.

In one case they allegedly held a woman for over three months in 2011-12 before finally allowing her to leave. The woman, now aged 51, only dared to contact police after hearing of the couple's arrest this year.

Aside from the sadistic power games, the two also allegedly stole or extorted money from their victims, with police finding about 100,000 euros ($110,000) in their home.

The couple married in 1999 and filed for divorce in 2013 -- the same year the man met and quickly married the 33-year-old woman who later died.

The co-accused continued to live together until their arrest, police said.

Wilfried Wagener was previously convicted in 1995 of abusing his then wife and jailed for two years and nine months on charges of assault, false imprisonment and coercion.

Since their arrests, the two have sought to shift the blame on each other, according to police and lawyers.

The trial, with thousands of pages of forensic evidence and witness testimony, is expected to run until at least late March.

A court spokesman told national news agency DPA that "after all we are dealing with two deaths, with one corpse missing, and we don't know who else has been harmed."

Auf Deutsch(this article includes videos and dates back to 2015)...

Höxter (NRW) – Eine Kontaktanzeige, ein paar lange Telefonate, dann das erste Treffen in den eigenen vier Wänden. So hatten sich Wilfried W. (46) und sein späteres Opfer kennengelernt. Was sie damals nicht ahnen konnte: Gemeinsam mit seiner Ex-Frau hielt der Mann sie wochenlang in seinem Haus gefangen, missbrauchte sie, rasierte ihr den Kopf kahl.

Diese Geschichte ist kein Drehbuch, sie ist wirklich passiert. Mitten in Deutschland – in einem Wohngebiet in Höxter.

Die beiden Täter Wilfried W. (46) und seine Ex-Frau Angelika B. (47) sitzen seit Donnerstag wegen Totschlags in Untersuchungshaft.

Wilfried W. (46) ist laut Polizei seit einigen Jahren vorbestraft – wegen Misshandlung seiner ersten Ex-Frau. Nach der Verurteilung ließ sie sich von ihm scheiden. Später lernte er dann seine zweite Frau Angelika kennen – doch auch diese Beziehung ging in die Brüche.

Ex-Nachbar Michael D., der 2006 gemeinsam mit Wilfried W. (46) und Angelika B. (47) in einem Haus wohnte, will beobachtet haben, wie die beiden immer wieder gestritten und sich regelmäßig verprügelt haben. Zu BILD sagte er: „Sie hatte regelmäßig ein geschwollenes Gesicht und blaue Flecken. Zwischenzeitlich trug sie auch eine Glatze.“

Die Beziehung des geschiedenen Paares ist genau so skurril wie die Horrorgeschichte selbst.

Angelika ließ sich von Wilfried scheiden. Doch das Paar kam wieder zusammen, lebte gemeinsam in der Gemeinde Schlangen (NRW). Seit einigen Jahren gab sich das Paar allerdings als Bruder und Schwester aus.

In Höxter lebten die beiden Hartz-IV-Empfänger zurückgezogen und in ständigem Streit. Ein Nachbar: „Sie bekamen nur ein einziges Mal Besuch.“
Das geschiedene Paar schaltete Kontaktanzeigen in der Zeitung und im Internet, lockte so ein Opfer an. Im März zog die Frau (41) aus dem niedersächsischen Bad Gandersheim ein. Sie hielten die Frau fast zwei Monate gefangen, folterten sie offenbar. Jetzt ist die 41-Jährige tot. Die Obduktion ergab: Die Frau erlitt massive Kopfverletzungen.

Die Polizei hat das Wohnhaus inzwischen durchsucht und Spuren gesichert.

Primitive nag Obummer(a real loser model) charges US taxpayers almost 4 million US Dollars to play golf with Tiger Woods for a weekend !!!

Obama’s golf weekend with Tiger Woods cost taxpayers more than $3.6 million

A “boys’ weekend” of golf with Tiger Woods in 2013 was fun for Obummer(AKA "President" Obama), but it was a triple-bogey for taxpayers.

The Government Accountability Office reported Wednesday that the departments of Defense and Homeland Security spent more than $3.6 million in travel costs and other expenses for Obummer’s getaway weekend with Mr. Woods and other golf partners at an exclusive resort in Florida.

The audit said the costs included operation of Air Force One, at about $200,000 per hour of flight, plus a virtual squadron of “supporting aircraft and U.S. Coast Guard small boats,” as well as per diem and other travel expenses for an unspecified number of Pentagon and Homeland Security personnel required to support the president’s golf weekend.

The military transport aircraft needed for the golfing weekend included a $200 million C-17 Globemaster and the C-5 Super Galaxy, which departed from various U.S. Air Force bases and arrived at Joint Base Andrews or Marine Corps Base Quantico “to transport Secret Service personnel and vehicles and Marine Corps personnel and helicopters to support the trip before returning to their air bases of origin,” the report said.

In all, Obummer’s four-day excursion required six additional military transport planes flying eight missions with at least 22 total flight legs, involving 14 commercial airports and Air Force bases ranging from Joint Base McGuire in New Jersey to Dyess Air Force Base in Texas.

The Pentagon spent at least $2.8 million, and the Homeland Security Department spent another $767,000, which included about $180,000 for the Secret Service.

The long President’s Day weekend began with Obummer(AKA "President" Obama) traveling from Washington to Chicago on Friday, Feb. 15, 2013, to give a speech on building a stronger middle class.

It was a follow-up to his State of the Union address earlier in the week.

From Chicago, Obummer flew on Air Force One to the airport in West Palm Beach, Florida — near Donald Trump’s estate — and was driven about an hour to coastal Palm City, location of the gated and luxurious Floridian Yacht and Golf Club. There he played golf with Mr. Woods and reportedly got lessons from the golfer’s legendary coach at the time, Butch Harmon.

During the same weekend, "first lady" Michelle Obummer and daughters Malia and Sasha were on a ski trip to Aspen, Colorado.

The golf resort where the president played is owned by Jim Crane, a businessman who also owns Major League Baseball’s Houston Astros. The private club on the St. Lucie River includes eight cottages, a 68-slip deep-water marina, the club’s 61-foot yacht and a private helicopter service with two helipads.

The Coast Guard spent about $586,000 to provide support for the president’s trip.

“Specifically, this trip included the use of the RB-S boat and HH-65 Dolphin helicopter [a MedEvac-capable search and rescue helicopter] to provide support in waterways,” the GAO said.

As for the Pentagon’s expenses that weekend, the GAO said, “According to White House officials, to be able to communicate instantly with the U.S. military, the President flies on military aircraft whenever he travels — whether for official, political, or other non-official reasons.”

The performance audit, which took about 20 months to complete, was requested by Sen. John Barrasso, Wyoming Republican. The report said the true costs of the president’s golf weekend cannot be known because some of the Pentagon’s expenses are classified.

Mr. Barrasso noted that the golf outing took place as the administration and Congress were imposing automatic spending caps.

“At a time when the government was tightening its belt to prepare for sequestration, Obummer(AKA "President" Obama) had such little disregard for the taxpayer that he spent millions of dollars to play golf with Tiger Woods,” Mr. Barrasso said. “This arrogance is par for the course for the Obummer administration.”

The total also doesn’t include “the salaries and benefits of U.S. government civilian and military personnel traveling with the president or involved with agency travel preparations, since these personnel would have received their salaries and benefits for the conduct of their regular duties and responsibilities regardless of whether the president traveled.” The president flew back to Washington on Monday, Feb. 18.

Obummer(AKA "President" Obama) has played more than 300 rounds of golf during his presidency, the vast majority of them on courses in the immediate Washington area.

HISTORICAL: Jury acquits Ammon and Ryan Bundy, leaders of Oregon standoff, of federal charges !!!

With(I bet - she prayed for them since day A) tears in her eyes, Jeanette Finicum announces on her Facebook page that jury just acquitted Ammon and Ryan Bundy of federal charges in Oregon's standoff...

US Government(Obama marshals) , however, and as usual could not abstain(refrain) itself from hysterical(physical) attack(physical assault) on attorney Marcus Mumford who represented Ammon and Ryan Bundy even at what was in this case a court !!! This uniformed losers only know one thing and that is physical violence against targeted individual(extremely unprofessional as they shadow with their thug alike behavior both - their colleagues who do act in a good faith toward pubic and the law enforcement profession itself - lets never forget what Obama'a agents have done to a national hero and one of the greatest Americans ever - Lavoy Finicum) or group of individuals !!! 

Looks like the stories of Chicago Tribune(Obama's newspaper) and Mr. Marcus Mumford's personal incident testimony, do not match at is what Mr. Marcus Mumford had to say about the court incident: 

I will end my thoughts on this article with words which I have posted on Jeanette Finicum's wall: it is a great news in fact....however, they will be truly free when they and whole America obtains justice. Your husband was and is angel - the biggest of them all. He believed in America like no one else did. He paid dearly for his believes under the tyranny. We must set him free !!! We must complete and his legacy of freedom and restore the country back toward progress(prosperity), so kids will have something to build on(freedom) and something to build from...

My advice for attorney Marcus Mumford is to immediately file criminal charges based on physical assault that took place against him on behalf of federal court and U.S. marshals(US Government all the way therefore) !!! Prospects of obtaining justice for Mr. Marcus Mumford are at this point very strong(better than ever) since both Bundy brothers were released based on political climate change - Donald Trump's arrival !!!

Jury acquits Ammon and Ryan Bundy, leaders of Oregon standoff, of federal charges

The leaders of an armed group who seized a national wildlife refuge in rural Oregon were acquitted Thursday in the 41-day standoff that brought new attention to a long-running dispute over control of federal lands in the U.S. West.

Tumult erupted in the courtroom after the verdicts were read when an attorney for group leader Ammon Bundy demanded his client be immediately released, repeatedly yelling at the judge. U.S. marshals tackled attorney Marcus Mumford to the ground, used a stun gun on him several times and arrested him.

U.S. District Judge Anna Brown said she could not release Bundy because he still faces charges in Nevada stemming from an armed standoff at his father Cliven Bundy's ranch two years ago.

The jury found Bundy, his brother Ryan Bundy and several others not guilty of possessing a firearm in a federal facility and conspiring to impede federal workers from their jobs at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, 300 miles southeast of Portland where the trial took place.

The Bundys were expected to stand trial in Nevada early next year. Authorities rounded up cattle at their father's ranch in 2014 because of unpaid grazing fees but released the animals as they faced armed protesters.

The brothers are part of a ranching family embroiled in a lengthy fight over the use of public range, and their occupation in Oregon drew an international spotlight to a uniquely American West dispute: federal restrictions on ranching, mining and logging to protect the environment. The government, which controls much of the land in the U.S. West, says it tries to balance industry, recreation and wildlife concerns to benefit all.

The armed occupiers were allowed to come and go for several weeks as authorities tried to avoid bloodshed seen in past standoffs.

The confrontations reignited clashes dating to the so-called Sagebrush Rebellion of the late 1970s, when Western states such as Nevada tried to win more control of vast federal land holdings.

The group took over the bird sanctuary in remote southeastern Oregon on Jan. 2. They objected to prison sentences handed down to Dwight and Steven Hammond, two local ranchers convicted of setting fires. They demanded the government free the father and son and relinquish control of public lands to local officials.

Ammon Bundy gave frequent news conferences and the group used social media in a mostly unsuccessful effort to get others to join them.

The Bundys and other key figures were arrested in a Jan. 26 traffic stop outside the refuge that ended with police fatally shooting Robert "LaVoy" Finicum, an occupation spokesman. Most occupiers left after his death, but four holdouts remained until Feb. 11, when they surrendered after a lengthy negotiation.

Odalis Sharp and several of her children sing outside the federal courthouse Wednesday. The Sharps were there to support Ammon Bundy and other defendants who have pleaded not guilty to a federal conspiracy charge related to the armed takeover of an Oregon wildlife refuge.

At trial, the case was seemingly open-and-shut. There was no dispute the group seized the refuge, established armed patrols and vetted those who visited.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this case is not a whodunit," Assistant U.S. Attorney Ethan Knight said in his closing argument, arguing that the group decided to take over a federal workplace that didn't belong to them.

On technical grounds, the defendants said they never discussed stopping individual workers from accessing their offices but merely wanted the land and the buildings. On emotional grounds, Ammon Bundy and other defendants argued that the takeover was an act of civil disobedience against an out-of-control federal government that has crippled the rural West.

Federal prosecutors took two weeks to present their case, finishing with a display of more than 30 guns seized after the standoff. An FBI agent testified that 16,636 live rounds and nearly 1,700 spent casings were found.

Bundy testified in his defense, spending three days amplifying his belief that government overreach is destroying Western communities that rely on the land.

He said the plan was to take ownership of the refuge by occupying it for a period of time and then turn it over to local officials to use as they saw fit.

Bundy also testified that the occupiers carried guns because they would have been arrested immediately otherwise and to protect themselves against possible government attack.

Ryan Bundy, who acted his own attorney, did not testify.

Authorities had charged 26 occupiers with conspiracy. Eleven pleaded guilty, and another had the charge dropped. Seven defendants chose not to be tried at this time. Their trial is scheduled to begin Feb. 14.

Associated Press

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Donald Trump acknowledges God as the ultimate power; Beelzebub Obama goes berserk(insane) !!! Biblical !!!

As title states....also brief update on global geopolitical situation is included...16 days to election day is left....


THEY DO IT TO ME LIKE THIS FOR ABOUT A DECADE ALREADY !!! While we provide food for the parasites(free marketing and our intellectual property that gets their companies going), parasites act exactly as explained here !!! To learn more about parasites(Facebook and google which is owner of the youtube), just watch my videos and you will see the truth about the world where we subsist !!!

Google(youtube) is owned by Lawrence "Larry" Page (JEW) and Sergey Brin(not Brin, but instead Russian JEW Sergey Mikhaylovich who changed his name into Brin)...there are rumors going around that these two didn't know even html programing... When it comes to Facebook, however, Zuckerberg(JEW), Dustin Moskovitz(JEW) etc situation NO different !!!

Saturday, October 15, 2016

LORD WITH HIS SWIFT SWORD IS ON HIS WAY !!! Days of the beelzebub Obama are numbered !!!

Satan's meddling in US elections disclosed...


He(God) owns the universe..he owns everything...Lucifer(Satan) never won a single battle against God !!! In fact, God have and sends him here and then on earth just to see how those who are created in his(God's) image would react upon Satan's arrival...

Remember losers...your game was over before it began !!! PRAISE THE LORD AND HIS SWIFT SWORD !!! HE IS ON HIS WAY !!!