Thursday, October 27, 2016

House of horrors' murder trial opens in Germany..Diese Geschichte klingt wie das Drehbuch eines grausigen Horrorfilms …

With third world's rapefugee's invasion and broken economy(Frau Merkel's wunder - miracle for Germany), some native Germans are turning to insane(sadistic) games and ways to survive(earn the money) that no one sane could possibly have come to an end...Satan prays on innocent in every town, village, and even  street corner - horror/madness on global scale(from corrupt government officials to insanity that is prevailing among general population) !!! Story is related to the article released just yesterday I cite, "Brazilian man allegedly held captive by his family for at least 15 years"(read HERE) !!!

Key words for this article are: entrapped women, house of horrors, severe head injuries and as a a result a death in the hospital, personal newspaper ads, forced servitude, one corpse missing, systematically break their victims' spirit through beatings, ripping out their hair, chaining them up and exposing them to severe cold, one woman held for over three months in 2011-12 before finally allowed to leave, 100,000 euros etc...

Yahoo(in English) and Bild(in German)

Defendant Wilfried Wagener (C) stands next to his lawyers Detlev Binder (L) and Carsten Ernst (R) in the courtroom of the regional court in Paderborn, northern Germnay, on October 26, 2016 ahead of the trial against him and his ex-wife

Berlin (AFP) - A German couple accused of luring women to their village home with personal ads went on trial Wednesday over charges they tortured and killed two of them.

Wilfried and Angelika Wagener allegedly entrapped at least eight women over the years in what the media has dubbed the "house of horrors" case.

They are accused of cutting up one 33-year-old woman in 2014, deep-freezing her remains and later burning them in the fireplace of their home in the central German village of Hoexter.

At the trial's opening the 46-year-old man, bearded with a black jacket, and the woman, 47, wearing a brown ponytail looked impassive as they sat in the dock, separated by justice officials.

They were arrested last May after their car broke down while they were transporting a 41-year-old woman with severe head injuries who died hours later in hospital.

Chief prosecutor Ralf Meyer on Wednesday outlined details of the case that has sparked widespread revulsion in Germany amid fears the couple may have had more victims.

Meyer said the couple drew women to their home with personal newspaper ads in the man's name, then colluded to entrap and abuse them and force them into "servitude".

- 'One corpse missing' -

The couple sought to systematically break their victims' spirit through beatings, ripping out their hair, chaining them up and exposing them to severe cold, he told the court in Paderborn, North Rhine-Westphalia state.

In one case they allegedly held a woman for over three months in 2011-12 before finally allowing her to leave. The woman, now aged 51, only dared to contact police after hearing of the couple's arrest this year.

Aside from the sadistic power games, the two also allegedly stole or extorted money from their victims, with police finding about 100,000 euros ($110,000) in their home.

The couple married in 1999 and filed for divorce in 2013 -- the same year the man met and quickly married the 33-year-old woman who later died.

The co-accused continued to live together until their arrest, police said.

Wilfried Wagener was previously convicted in 1995 of abusing his then wife and jailed for two years and nine months on charges of assault, false imprisonment and coercion.

Since their arrests, the two have sought to shift the blame on each other, according to police and lawyers.

The trial, with thousands of pages of forensic evidence and witness testimony, is expected to run until at least late March.

A court spokesman told national news agency DPA that "after all we are dealing with two deaths, with one corpse missing, and we don't know who else has been harmed."

Auf Deutsch(this article includes videos and dates back to 2015)...

Höxter (NRW) – Eine Kontaktanzeige, ein paar lange Telefonate, dann das erste Treffen in den eigenen vier Wänden. So hatten sich Wilfried W. (46) und sein späteres Opfer kennengelernt. Was sie damals nicht ahnen konnte: Gemeinsam mit seiner Ex-Frau hielt der Mann sie wochenlang in seinem Haus gefangen, missbrauchte sie, rasierte ihr den Kopf kahl.

Diese Geschichte ist kein Drehbuch, sie ist wirklich passiert. Mitten in Deutschland – in einem Wohngebiet in Höxter.

Die beiden Täter Wilfried W. (46) und seine Ex-Frau Angelika B. (47) sitzen seit Donnerstag wegen Totschlags in Untersuchungshaft.

Wilfried W. (46) ist laut Polizei seit einigen Jahren vorbestraft – wegen Misshandlung seiner ersten Ex-Frau. Nach der Verurteilung ließ sie sich von ihm scheiden. Später lernte er dann seine zweite Frau Angelika kennen – doch auch diese Beziehung ging in die Brüche.

Ex-Nachbar Michael D., der 2006 gemeinsam mit Wilfried W. (46) und Angelika B. (47) in einem Haus wohnte, will beobachtet haben, wie die beiden immer wieder gestritten und sich regelmäßig verprügelt haben. Zu BILD sagte er: „Sie hatte regelmäßig ein geschwollenes Gesicht und blaue Flecken. Zwischenzeitlich trug sie auch eine Glatze.“

Die Beziehung des geschiedenen Paares ist genau so skurril wie die Horrorgeschichte selbst.

Angelika ließ sich von Wilfried scheiden. Doch das Paar kam wieder zusammen, lebte gemeinsam in der Gemeinde Schlangen (NRW). Seit einigen Jahren gab sich das Paar allerdings als Bruder und Schwester aus.

In Höxter lebten die beiden Hartz-IV-Empfänger zurückgezogen und in ständigem Streit. Ein Nachbar: „Sie bekamen nur ein einziges Mal Besuch.“
Das geschiedene Paar schaltete Kontaktanzeigen in der Zeitung und im Internet, lockte so ein Opfer an. Im März zog die Frau (41) aus dem niedersächsischen Bad Gandersheim ein. Sie hielten die Frau fast zwei Monate gefangen, folterten sie offenbar. Jetzt ist die 41-Jährige tot. Die Obduktion ergab: Die Frau erlitt massive Kopfverletzungen.

Die Polizei hat das Wohnhaus inzwischen durchsucht und Spuren gesichert.

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