Tuesday, February 28, 2017

CIA retaliates for my exposing United Nations and Donald Trump

Related to:

 My account is locked due to "security features"(thank you CIA - you are keeping me safe from the world). They are suggesting me to get three friends together who would provide me with codes which would unlock Facebook account...have never seen anything as insane...

United Nations and United States try to murder me desperately

Video can be also seen at:http://dai.ly/x5divb2

United Nations have instructed "Slovenian" government on how to refuse me assistance on both levels(legal and via ombudsman) on what I was told by UN how my domestic remedies were not exhausted. USA have simultaneous and systematically deleted yet again what was ultimate proof of Slovenian government abuse(refusal of legal assistance and psychiatric brutality etc.) by suspending my entire blogger account. 

USA and United Nations went further and have instructed "Slovenian" government on how to get read of me. American government is engaging in cyber attacks against me and have not only deleted downloaded blog(mentioned above), but is also refusing to assist me with one !!!

United Nations wants me to talk about issues in "Slovenia"(zero.nothing state) while one have deprived me even of car in Hungary after attempting to apply for political asylum there !!! I am accusing DIRECTLY Antonio Gutierrez(&Ban Ki Moon) as well murderous United Nations organization of assassination plot against me on behalf of United States of America !!! 

I am truly disgusted with you Donald Trump !!! You are extremely dangerous Zionist puppet !!! Much more dangerous even than what Obama was !!!


If you think that it is good for you that Donald Trump murders those who already stood up for you(have placed on line and ruined their lives for you) and your nation, you gotta be f***** stupid !!! Am sure you have some logic left in your head...

Related to: http://ausertimes.blogspot.hu/2017/02/hungarian-government-goes-on-human.html



Monday, February 27, 2017


Video can be also seen at: https://youtu.be/sqSja7S-HJY
Hello my friends...its time to destroy United nations and create League of the White Nations where our destinies(faiths) will be decided by white nations solely and never again what the case was(still is) !!! Do you have case about UN yourself !!??? I would love to hear from you...have your emails to UN bounced back when you submitted claims or were you simply rejected etc.!!???
My rights to existence were not only violated, but also denied by domestic organizations and legal system itself...you will be shocked to learn that so called human rights ombudsman in "Slovenia" was/is wife from UDBA(ex Yugoslav secret communist police - executioner) individual and much more !!!

I will repeat, if you would like to voice your opinion about your own South African case that involves UN situation, this is the time...contact me now as this series(about 3 hours long) will be completed within 3 days...thank you for your attention...

Hungarian impressions(updates)...

This is what Hungarian women look like..I have chosen the most beautiful ones for you to see because of many reasons(some were personal and others will help you to easier understand just how unique this place is)...the most beautiful Hungarian woman, however, I have met on police station where I went to report stolen car...she is just an ordinary cop in Budapest with child and someone with whom she is very happy with(I mention this because it is not unusual to meet here incredibly beautiful Hungarian woman 40/50 years old who is still by herself and possibly even without children)...

Hungarian women are simple. Easy going, yet very sophisticated(even older females don't grow old here in hearts because they want to remain young - they defy life problems with wanted happiness...Hungarians don't give shit about who thinks what about them...they are in it for themselves...if they like you, they will tell you so and if not, you will get middle finger straight in the face - didn't happen to me yet, but I have seen how small Hungarian girl have reacted to Chinese dude) .. ...they are very open minded(you will have girls/boys too) 18-25 interested in dating even much older males unlike the case is as an example in communist "Slovenia"...this is NOT insane American gold digging either, Hungarians in wast majority instead understand the importance of life...they know that one shouldn't limit him/herself to social normatives, but instead possibilities that life can offer to open minded individual(they are very pro European oriented)...it is intelligent way of thinking rather than one restraining him/herself to frustrated majority and failed choice(I have seen this same type of mentality also in Scandinavia and Germany...it is the most advanced type of mentality)...I am talking about real national socialism here...the freedom of choice with whom you want to be based on his/her physical characteristics and not what state tries to push in one's life(multiculturalism enforcement via jobs..denying individual employment to rape him into relationship with younger "uglier than ugly" that under normal circumstances one wouldn't even think about)...do you understand now why do I feel like at home here more than anywhere else in the world !!???

There is no doubt that Hungary is very unique place on earth(incredible part of Europe) and have everything that only best parts of Europe can offer. I will not even go into culture(architecture etc. - this used to be a superpower more than just once with great reason - Habsburgs still have their residence here because they feel home here perhaps more than even in Austria)...come here and see it for yourself...

Now lets go to issue why am here...well, to file for political asylum yeah, but issue runs actually much much deeper...I came here to apply because of Orban(right wing gov.) and If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't know absolutely anything about Hungary...in fact, my opinion about one was massacred by pro Yugoslav Slovenian communist scum which have brainwashed me into hatred toward them(based on total lies how Hungarians are Asians mixed with gypsies and whites in the area) and Central Intelligence Agency(CIA + frustrated European idiots who have implicated themselves in case with me without knowing anything about me and CIA itself...sometimes knowing the average individual's reactions on MKULTRA procedures and sometimes without any clue about individual's reactions...even worse - what individual will encounter back in US upon his return where world of violence and oppression awaited him - myself - if you get involved in stuff like this, keep in mind that you will known nothing what truly the situation is with individual hat you may even watch before your eyes...reality may be totally different from what may appear to you...US is government by Zionists who are tearing country apart at all costs..like Alex Jones would say, USA is a prison planet and sure is !!! Only this time, CIA got screwed because they didn't know even 25% of who I was when they got involved in case against me...numerous others, however, were devoured by one and are now only part of statistics - all gone and without any trace behind them)...THEY FLUSH YOUR BRAIN AFTERWARDS(after trips) SO MUCH THAT YOU DON'T REMEMBER SHIT TILL YOU ACTUALLY SEE IT INFRONT OF YOU AND ONLY IN CASE YOU DO WHAT I HAVE DONE - EXERCISE MEMORY ON DAILY BASES WITH LANGUAGE COURSES FOR MIN. 8 HOURS A DAY AND FOR MANY YEARS(I did so for at least 5 years) !!! YOU GET IT !!??? YOU STILL THINK YOU CAN TRUST PEOPLE LIKE THIS !!???

Backs to issue why am here and how I wouldn't know anything about Hungary if it wasn't for right wing Hun. Gov...

Do you know what MKULRA abductions have done to me or just how far whole thing went !!??? After while, I have developed extremely violent reactions toward those...not only those who abducted me and against whom I couldn't physically rebel since I was stoned(I wanted to and would beat the shit out of scum if I only had the opportunity), but random people were hurt in the process because I have suggested them how they are worthless with pure idea to hurt them as much as possible...and so I have heavily insulted(emotionally) good looking Hungarian men and even women when abducted. I have insulted Jeweler(very good looking Hungarian) for example that is not far from here and some other people as well(CIA dragged me to quite a few places through the Budapest and I just happen to remember those very well..they asked me what my views were on certain people etc..how or what my perception was on human faces)...I behaved like an idiot at times deliberately and this have had very serious consequences for some who begun to believe that I am actually a nazi monster and that they are simply unworthy...just to tell you...you are more than just worthy and not only worthy - very special and beautiful you are(I know you read this - good !!!)...you have nobody to prove anything other than to yourself and God Hungary. You only owe to yourself and God..

You have doubts !!???? One day Hungarian government alone will tell you my witnessing account about what you red here...it is truth and this are facts !!!

One more time, F**** YOU CIA !!! The more I learn about your whereabouts concerning my personal life, the more I hate you !!! Not USSR like you have attempted to brainwash me with again(my little car was stolen right infront of the place where Russians have demolished Hungarian church to erect Stalin in Statue and so idea was to trigger in me again resentment toward Russia - see my photo and read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stalin_Monument_(Budapest) and https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regnum_Marianum_(templom) ), but you CIA...you are dangerous scum...police from planet apes is what you are !!! how many negros etc. have you managed to import to Europe when depicting evil personality of people like myself to public !!????? Yeah, there is God(I don't need your bullshit about what exists and what not) but he really dislikes you...I don' have to say why....Everything is coming out about you and the best we are yet to learn...

Like I have stated, I will kick you out of Europe and in US as well because I am American...THE AMERICAN IS WHO I AM AND WILL STAY AS SUCH !!! ITS YOU AND ME NOW...WITH OR WITHOUT TRUMP(its Finland in my heart...for every step you will attempt to make, I will push you 10 backwards...its my terrain here...feels great) !!! We are equal now and whole world is watching this...

Gotta get back to my work...have to complete my stuff and then I will hit again(so called "Human rights agencies" in Hungary which have assisted numerous rapefugees here when those were declined asylums) !!!

Have left my external hard drive at home where blogs were saved which Jewgle(blogger https://productforums.google.com/forum/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer#!msg/blogger/Ech9sN-7t80/iRvIbl-SAQAJ ) have deleted on Jan 31(one of blogs contained data on how Slovenian psychiatrists and government have abused me and how Slovenian authorities have denied me the right to court and other government services for which UN claims hat haven't used)...

Its past 1300 hours...I could write interesting book about all this, but gotta go...you all have a great day...

Why such(top end) women !!?? Because they(governments) crashed my life expectations(life partner's choice) on several occasions(I ended up dating even worst multicultural garbage at times) and I will no longer settle for anything else than best of the best...Hungary is plenty of the best of the best...you will find here what you are looking for whatever it is that you are looking for...you will not be disappointed and you will feel like at real home here if you like simplicity in really beautiful people ;) bye bye now...

Have no time to go over and to grammar..sorry..I often times post updates like this on my Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/loki.nagrind

Saturday, February 25, 2017

America leading the way...toward the bottom !!!

I have no words...you can look at the time and date in right bottom corner of each screenshot and compare statistics...America is a very very sick democracy with new leader(same old same with sold soul) who will take one to the next level of sickness...

News have to be reported regardless of where is coming from...I harbored American abuse against me for way too long...

New "president"(as you see) doesn't have any respect for his staunch(now ex) supporter, so I don't see how he will have one for OUR men and women in uniform...

☺"Grab them by the pussy" Trump(will see how long they'll let you do so)...RIP America and world...

Are you fluent in Hungarian language ? I am asking you for help..audio recording of entire political asylum interview is available here...

Perhaps I have missed on something important since my Hungarian language is very very bad(know only few words in Hungarian)...thank you for your attention and help...

Friday, February 24, 2017

Hungarian government goes on human rights violation rampage against me after I file for political asylum in Hungary !!! Its war now !!!

Video can be also seen at: 


Its okay for me to get murdered because "Slovenia" is a European Union member state + retaliation for filing political asylum in Hungary follows against me...car gone and much more...pay ransom fee for stolen vehicle or your car is gone for ever !!!

Watch whole series(complete 3 of 3 videos) at http://ausertimes.blogspot.hu/2017/02/1-of-3-political-asylum-in-hungary.html

Sunday, February 19, 2017

COMPLETE 3 of 3 Political asylum in Hungary during 2017

Can also be seen at http://dai.ly/x5d4vpj
Can also be seen at http://dai.ly/x5d54rp
Can be also seen at http://video.fc2.com/en/content/201702253XNbkNWF/
45 years old and on the run for bare life to Hungary on February the 14th of 2017(what could end with single telephone call to Slovenia by Donald Trump, have had turned instead into what you
are about to witness). 24 days after Donald Trump's presidential victory, I head to Budapest to file for 6th political asylum within period of 7.5 years to avoid possible execution(100% physical torture behind walls of mental institution in communist "Slovenia" just as the case was in the past already twice under Obama's regime)...

My computer have experienced extremely serious difficulties during recording of this video series in Budapest and there was other stuff going on as well(as described on video)...will make sure about what exactly took place first(don't want to accuse anyone of anything before I know facts, and then publish what might have been extreme bullying)...

No thumbnails, without search index, without ability to even search folders such as "This PC"(couldn't see even C dive, recovery drive, Dvd Drive etc...had problems with converting audio files etc...madness !!!) etc. and on and on...

Screen shot of what situation was:

 How did this go away !!??? Once I started video recording incident today(few hours ago - as situation begun to worse, I anticipated that computer would progressively fail entirely and that whole thing is just a matter of time), it disappeared on its own...possible issues involved are: my own firewall restrictions or something else(will not speculate what exactly till I get this computer properly investigated by IT professional right infront of me)...

Monday, February 6, 2017


USE HEADPHONES OR AMPLIFY SOUND - have several recordings like this. Rigid proofs about my surveillance claim...this people should all be arrested for conspiracy(plot)
to murder individual and numerous other charges(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conspiracy_(criminal)) !!! Slovenian internet companies(t2 and tus telecom - telemach) have blocked me(cable and mobile broadband) from having video uploaded to internet and I had to go to town...

Internet is not functioning here. Functions only whenever is convenient for them - regardless of company. Was used to hack my phones and distract me from important issues. Returning back 150Euros worth of prepaid mobile internet cards. It is sad to note that I never ever was good enough for my mom as her son, but a positive to note that individual who signed contract with agencies to kill me have replaced me in her "heart"(at least somebody for her)...

Attic where surveillance equipment of my room was installed was camera surveillanced 24/7...mother have watched me 24/7 and would arrived to see me even at 23:00 if up there..she would claim that neighbor called her when in fact cameras(likely with motion detectors) were placed in area...Novo mesto police have threatened me under MKULTRA that police would arrive withing 5 minutes if I would manage to record any equipment - I was severely brainwashed about surveillance equipment at the attic, but my brain were burned with electroshocks...you would never remember till it is all too late...mother and her new son(Veber Mitja) were uninstalling equipment for two weeks...whenever I went sleep or for a walk or have taken trip with mom, but I just wouldn't figure out what I was told by CIA and SerboSlovenian communist scum till too late...I now remember that Veber have asked Slovenian psychiatrists(present during MKULTRA) of me to erase my brain in detail and so it would be used as a test to see if I could possibly figure out what was happening after stuff was even discussed with me at the attic...I don't think that anyone have witnessed anything as sadistic and murderous as this is the history of the world...CIA is one sick organization..beyond sick !!! I wonder how many volts have they ran through my brain(certain areas of brain and if only electroshocks were used) in total...CIA suggested me that Veber will radiate me(he did with microwave gun and there were some other symptoms that I have experienced as well), but it was CIA who hijacked me to perform overseas abductions with SerboSlovenian communist scum and it was CIA who have compelled me int his environment + it was CIA that supplied them with technology...so why worry about what would take place against me when at the same time compelling individual in this !!?????

I am shocked that people have watched all this and have not reacted and I wonder if there were also cameras installed in Joseph Fritzls house, so people could watch what he was doing with his daughter...this is beyond sick.

Neighbors are also suggesting that strange robberies are happening throughout the village(even on places where there is no chance robbery could take place - that robbers are entering houses as soon as people step out etc, and that they know exactly where money and other valuables  are located - also impossible since houses are located in the middle of the village = will my computer equipment disappear one of this days !!???)...

Have about 40 hours of recordings....have audio recorded surveillance equipment removal procedure + hacking of my mobile internet broadband modem + hacking of my wi/fi router etc., but will I ever manage to publish it online !!????

I have no trust in people...I am sickened by mother and totally disgusted with the rest of the Obama family of mine...