Sunday, April 30, 2017

Insignificant CIA's criminal ZIONIST network in Russia attacks patriotic president Vladimir Putin and demands from Russians to end Russia...

CIA's iron curtain over Eastern Europe and world revealed is who killed Nemtsev and why...CIA murders white
American citizens publicly throughout entire European territory and points fingers at Russia...some "opposition" parties in Russia are run utterly by what you are about to see here...not "opposition", but instead scam/ corruption/ perversion/ and criminality loaded/supported with unlimited wealth(financial resources etc.) used to destroy last resistance to ZIONIST CIA's global tyranny !!! 

UPDATED ON SEPT. 25TH, 2017 - My views on South Africa changed enormously ever since because of what you are about to see next:

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Detailed breakdown of political situation for Eastern Europe and rest of the world in 2017

Update on political asylum procedure in Belarus(April 29th, 2017)....
I break political situation for Eastern Europe and worldwide(how one effects world and how world is effected by one today)...US involvement in this part of the world is revealed in details(so called "opposition" etc.)...

In this video, I break many taboo issues that concern people worldwide...the undeniable truths about ZIONIST United States of America which is denying Americans even the right to sexual preferences(forget about political and religious rights...US is worse even than crazy North Korean Kim Jong regime), European Union puppet states(killing field for those of us who dare to speak out the truth about worst tyranny that world have ever seen = ZIONISM !!!), and murderous United Nations are disclosed...I give plans for future that would unite us in one...future that would guarantee survival for our progeny...I suggest coalition(reconciliation of opposition with leading parties countrywide and white nations worldwide)...

Ever thought about running away from ZIO planet Apes !!???? Watch this video and learn how to...what to and what not to do to get max out of your vacations or permanent stay in Europe...

Its the stuff like this that I melt in my head day after day and for many days before I release one to make the difference in understanding of new world for our people(wherever you are and whatever is that you do, enjoy...I love to learn for all of us) more hatred between brotherly white nations !!!

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

US F-35 fighters vs RS-28 ‘Satan 2’ nuclear missiles...who wins and who loses !!????

News is becoming outrageous !!! Read CNN reports US F-35 fighters to train near Russia and Ready to kill one another Where are you today Donald J. Kushner Trump !!????

The answer on who wins:

Number one place goes to state of Israel !!! Total victory(from free healthcare, Israeli's welfare, and newest FREE American military and other technology = all comes out of your own pockets and you get to listen news they want you to listen and watch...sure is insanity if you consider that Americans alone don't have affordable healthcare... , , etc...). All you get to listen is "6 million" and watch 3rd world taking over(you become stranger in your own land with blink of an eye and no longer only in US) while becoming progressively were born to be dissident and human rights activist(read THIS and THIS)...Israeli's neighboring countries(not only is Palestine gone) all the way to Afghanistan are now flattened(bombarded the shit out of it and will not recuperate in 1000 years)....
If you are white American or European and would like to exercise "free speech"(first constitutional amendment), know that you will spend the rest of your life jobless and nobody in this world will grant you that basic right - to claim protection in another white country from government brutality in what used to be your country(you will watch your towns and countries turn into foreign world before your eyes, and your businesses/companies being taken over by foreign corporations that promote forced non white integration in our white societies society via "human rights" - corporations or domestic "opposition" companies that support corruption or other forms of dissidence against your state - from religious to even the right to sexual preferences issues...your "human rights" on paper, and conquest of the third world on your women/children/jobs in reality...all in the name of freedom which you have mistaken for will never ever hear what is taking place against whiten minority that have built from nothing entire South African state and just like them, you will die trying in your own homeland).

EUROPE IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT STRATEGIC PARTNER OF ZIO MACHINERY(Washington DC) !!! Not only because Germany and other parts of Europe are militarily still occupied today by United states of America(practically a US colony), and fact that ZIO Apartheid state(jail of what used to be "Land of The Brave and Free") earns a lots of $$$$(in trade agreements etc.) for granting "protection" to European states(its nothing more than divide and concur technique used to separate us from one another and turn us against one another as explained here for above mentioned reasons - in US, US Government turn families against one another and they are really good at that...children against parents and parents against children - all in the name of "human rights" off course), but because so called European Union guarantees continuation of white genocide to ZIONIST Washington DC against domestic American and European population across the Europe(European Union member states) !!! Sure is a win win situation for ZIO club and one is protected and supported by United States of America's owned UNITED NATIONS(human rights for non whites and genocide for you my friends) !!!

ZIO occupation of Europe where CIA torments(freely tortures) white American and European population is welcome for those who are either willing to perform(ca$h on) what other decline against own people or are already part of the system itself(Austrian president Fisher, German Merkel, French Sarkozy/Hollande etc.)....

The answer on who loses:

You already know that sad answer my friend...its ME AND YOU and with us OUR WOMEN and CHILDREN(progeny) who either already is(just look Lutton and other parts of Britain) or will be born to(in) the world of unknown(world where real freedom that equals to your beautiful wife and child will be replaced with different sexual preferences and and other issues...forget about the right to political opinion or religious freedom....don't be funny !!! ZIOUSAUSSR is by far worse than North Korea !!! Kim Jong is crazy, but Washington DC is sicker than sick !!!) !!!

American toys are for sure better than Russian(yes), but a single missile as seen here will take out entire area size of Texas and can be delivered within 20 minutes or less throughout the entire territory of US...

PS. Opposition(they were very unhappy with me for that matter) in Minsk wanted to know why I have publicly expressed support Lukaschenko(he is known in Rothchild' main stream media as know also as dictator - same case as Hungarian Viktor Orban or Vladimir Putin) the other day(read HERE)...

"Well my friends(I told them after giving them read above material), the answer to that question is very very easy !!! IF IT WASN'T FOR HIM, I WOULDN'T EVEN BE HERE TODAY AND YOU WOULD HAVE NEVER EVER HEARD FOR ME !!! AM I RIGHT !!????" They replied me back with, "yes you are Bastian"(was asked if am real...if what they read is real...they doubted, but proofs are right here - "its real my friend...I am real" is what I relied them)....


THE REAL FREEDOM ARE YOUR WIVES(whom you kiss when you come home and see them with precious smiles on their faces - nothing in this world is as beautiful as woman - nothing and I dare you to confront me with this very issue !!!) AND YOUR CHILDREN(where you can see yourself in as child and them righteously as your future) WHOM  YOU OWE WHAT YOUR ANCESTORS HAVE MANAGED TO SECURE FOR YOU(you language, your culture, your churches, your history and this regardless on which side of one you are coming from - left or right) !!! 

This is the real freedom !!! BE A PATRIOT WHEREVER(Poland, Germany, Russia, Ukraine etc.) YOU ARE AND STAND UP FOR YOUR FOLK !!!


Written by Bastian Auser from beautiful Minsk for Auser Times...where nobody, but freedom won today(we have divided ourselfs with ideologies and other issues in the past; its time to step together and unite as one in one) !!! God bless you wherever you are...


Written by Bastian Auser 



The situation in South Africa became perfect across the night(PERFECTO)......since new year 2016 started, there is almost no crime to report and everything is wonderful now(main stream media doesn't report much on crime even that country is utterly on fire these days - lt was much different last year when crime was reported to the public !!!).... 

At least this is what criminally insane South African government and police would want us to pursue the rainbow nation as.... but what is the reality !!?

THE SITUATION IS MUCH MUCH WORSE THAN WHAT YOU SEE HERE..... I BELIEVE THAT MOST(most) OF THE CRIME GOES THESE DAYS(specially) DELIBERATELY UNSEEN(unreported) IN SOUTH AFRICA(crime capital of the world) PER SOUTH AFRICAN GOVERNMENT(orders to police and main stream media - either report crime as properly handled or do not report one at all) !!!  

South Africa is One Of The Most Corrupt, Violent And Murderous Unsafe Countries In The World 

ps. The numbers have come out suggesting how over 55 people are violently murdered per day in South Africa(government claims 50 which is already astronomically high) and State-owned SABC(South African Broadcasting) have banned broadcasting of violent protests throughout the country for entire two months(court interdict finally topped this lunacy)....SOUTH AFRICA = REAL BLACK DICTATORIAL ORWELLIAN(Soviet) STATE WHERE OUR WHITE PEOPLE(white minority) ARE NOTHING MORE THAN HOSTAGES !!!

Beside physical white genocide(slaughtering) that is taking place against our white people, a white citizen by the name Penny Sparrow was recently charged $10.000 USD penalty for incident that involved her use of words I cite, "These monkeys" and black South African government have atop of that stolen $7.000 USD from her saving account(everything)...she was left jobless and homeless in fear for her life and on mercy of black rapists and killers who have delivered her life threats daily to her door steps(no protection was ever offered to her by government who have in fact incited in her death via main stream media) !!! All this while top black South African officials(regular terrorists who have incited in over 90.000 deaths of our white people) such as president Zuma or Malema are openly singing(inciting) in white genocide as seen here = AND !!!

Black South African government refers to its slaughtering and terrorism against whites a "constitutional democracy" !!!

Monday, April 24, 2017

ZIONIST Apartheid State(jail of what used to be "The Land of Brave and Free") is publicly taking down American European heritage(presence) in New Orleans and media proudly boasts about it...its important to note that what you see is not taking place under Obama's presidency...


"Contractors" are off course always ready to cash in, in materialistic society where lack of quality life is a serious matter(forget about morals and ethics or even heritage for that matter - its just a day to day and month to month slavery embedded in in which so called "human  rights" are pushed forward at expense of genocided where exercising "free speech" equals to death sentence of one and so on...all in the name of equality and in war against "racism and white supremacy"...."democratic" take down of European heritage in New Orleans is off course performed under armed uniformed police protectorate....not for the sake of regime that is worse than even the one in North Korea, but for better tomorrow is what white  Americans are told - "Make America great again")...

Three other statues to Confederate Generals Robert E. Lee and P.G.T. Beauregard and Confederate States of America President Jefferson Davis will be removed in later days now that legal challenges have been overcome.

How ZIONIST Apartheid state("US Democracy") works - secret no more:



REAL STATISTICS(the truth that Rothchild's main stream media doesn't mention) IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA:

NUMBER OF WHITES KILLED BY BLACKS(source ) and keep in mind that there are 37 million blacks in America vs 223 million whites in USA...just imagine what situation would be like if numbers of blacks were higher(massacre yes, but not of blacks !!!):


Year 2003 – Rape/Sexual Assault

Year 2003 – Rape/Sexual Assault

White on Black:0

Black on White: 20,309
Black on Black: 21,104

Year 2004 – Rape/Sexual Assault

White on Black: 0

Black on White: 11,610
Black on Black: 35,330

Year 2005 – Rape/Sexual Assault

White on Black : 0

Black on White: 37,460
Black on Black: 36, 620

Year 2006 – Rape/Sexual Assault

White on Black: 0

Black on White: 32, 443
Black on Black: 7,705

Year 2007 – Rape/Sexual Assault

White on Black: 0

Black on White: 14,092
Black on Black: 12,780

Year 2008 – Rape/Sexual Assault

White on Black: 0

Black on White: 19,292
Black on Black: 34,841

Total over six conservative years:

White on Black: 0

Black on White: 135,206
Black on Black: 148,380

Average over six consecutive years:

White on Black: 0

Black on White: 22,534

Black on Black: 24,730


Written by Bastian Auser

And here is the yadda yadda Rothchild's article: 


New Orleans takes down prominent Confederate monument

New Orleans removed the first of four prominent Confederate monuments under the cover of darkness early Monday, the latest Southern city to sever itself from symbols viewed by many as a representation of racism and white supremacy.

Truckers arrived at around 1:25 a.m. to begin removing the Liberty Monument, which commemorates whites who tried to topple a biracial post-Civil War government in New Orleans. The workers started early in an attempt to avoid disruption from supporters who want the monuments to stay. Some have even made death threats, according to officials.

New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu said the Liberty Monument was the “most offensive” of the four set to be taken down. He added it was erected to “revere white supremacy.”

"If there was ever a statue that needed to be taken down, it's that one," he said.

Workers who were inspecting the statue ahead of its removal could be seen wearing flak jackets and helmets. Police officers watched the area from atop the parking garage of a nearby hotel.

Three other statues to Confederate Generals Robert E. Lee and P.G.T. Beauregard and Confederate States of America President Jefferson Davis will be removed in later days now that legal challenges have been overcome.

"There's a better way to use the property these monuments are on and a way that better reflects who we are," Landrieu said Sunday.

New Orleans is a majority African-American city although the number of black residents has fallen since 2005's Hurricane Katrina drove many people from the city.

The majority black City Council in 2015 voted 6-1 to approve plans to take the statues down, but legal battles over their fate have prevented the removal until now, said Landrieu, who proposed the monuments' removal and rode to victory twice with overwhelming support from the city's black residents.

People who want the Confederate memorials removed say they are offensive artifacts honoring the region's slave-owning past. But others call the monuments part of the city's history and say they should be protected historic structures.

Landrieu said the memorials don't represent his city as it approaches its 300th anniversary next year. The mayor said the city would remove the monuments, store them and preserve them until an "appropriate" place to display them is determined.

"The monuments are an aberration," he said. "They're actually a denial of our history and they were done in a time when people who still controlled the Confederacy were in charge of this city and it only represents a four-year period in our 1000-year march to where we are today.

Nationally, the debate over Confederate symbols has become heated since nine parishioners were killed at a black church in South Carolina in June 2015. South Carolina removed the Confederate flag from its statehouse grounds in the weeks after, and several Southern cities have since considered removing monuments. The University of Mississippi took down its state flag because it includes the Confederate emblem.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

THE FORBIDDEN NEWS(South Africa): Death continues to mows down white South African minority without mercy and everything is "normal" for international community....

Its every day that what you see HERE(Elderly man (87) attacked on farm, passed away in hospital) takes place...The 87-year-old white male victim, known as Oom Klein Harmse, who was attacked and overpowered at his farm in Modderfontien, near Parys on April 19 has passed away from injuries sustained during the incident. Although the police are still investigating the incident, no arrests have been made.

Another white farmer(same day) got his throat slit during farm attack(STORY)...white farmer Johannes Petrus du Randt (67) was murdered by two suspects on his farm Elim, outside of Ladybrand on Thursday, April 20. The suspects stabbed Johannes several times and slit his throat in a horrific manner. On the date of the attack, Johannes’s mom, Anna Albrecht (87) was also in the house but fortunately was not harmed during the incident. The suspects fled with a firearm. The police are investigating a case of murder and robbery. No arrests have been made(contact the Ladybrand police on 051 923 4000/4001/4002 or Crime Stoppers on phone number 08600 10111).

White farm helper Christo van Niekerk(read HERE) who was working on an electric gate motor on a farm situated in Dinokeng, Tshwane Municipality, was overpowered by four black suspects. Christo was attacked, stabbed repeatedly and bludgeoned with a brick by the four black suspects. If the owner of the farm, Alex van Niekerk, arrived just a few seconds later, he might have found Christo dead. Black assassins have fled with nothing but car keys. Family believes the suspects were not planning to rob Christo as his phone, wallet and Nissan X-trial vehicle were not stolen. It appears that black criminals only sought to hurt Christo. The police are investigating the incident, and no arrests have been made.

Written by Bastian Auser 



The situation in South Africa became perfect across the night(PERFECTO)......since new year 2016 started, there is almost no crime to report and everything is wonderful now(main stream media doesn't report much on crime even that country is utterly on fire these days - lt was much different last year when crime was reported to the public !!!).... 

At least this is what criminally insane South African government and police would want us to pursue the rainbow nation as.... but what is the reality !!?

THE SITUATION IS MUCH MUCH WORSE THAN WHAT YOU SEE HERE..... I BELIEVE THAT MOST(most) OF THE CRIME GOES THESE DAYS(specially) DELIBERATELY UNSEEN(unreported) IN SOUTH AFRICA(crime capital of the world) PER SOUTH AFRICAN GOVERNMENT(orders to police and main stream media - either report crime as properly handled or do not report one at all) !!!  

South Africa is One Of The Most Corrupt, Violent And Murderous Unsafe Countries In The World 

ps. The numbers have come out suggesting how over 55 people are violently murdered per day in South Africa(government claims 50 which is already astronomically high) and State-owned SABC(South African Broadcasting) have banned broadcasting of violent protests throughout the country for entire two months(court interdict finally topped this lunacy)....SOUTH AFRICA = REAL BLACK DICTATORIAL ORWELLIAN(Soviet) STATE WHERE OUR WHITE PEOPLE(white minority) ARE NOTHING MORE THAN HOSTAGES !!!

Beside physical white genocide(slaughtering) that is taking place against our white people, a white citizen by the name Penny Sparrow was recently charged $10.000 USD penalty for incident that involved her use of words I cite, "These monkeys" and black South African government have atop of that stolen $7.000 USD from her saving account(everything)...she was left jobless and homeless in fear for her life and on mercy of black rapists and killers who have delivered her life threats daily to her door steps(no protection was ever offered to her by government who have in fact incited in her death via main stream media) !!! All this while top black South African officials(regular terrorists who have incited in over 90.000 deaths of our white people) such as president Zuma or Malema are openly singing(inciting) in white genocide as seen here = AND !!!

Black South African government refers to its slaughtering and terrorism against whites a "constitutional democracy" !!!

Goodbye to patriotic Julian Assange who have sacrificed himself for American people when they needed him the most. More about American "Free Speech" tallies....

I DO NOT approve Donald J. Kushner Trump for president of united States of America !!! What we witnesses here is national and international disgrace !!! And it is one of many...Donald J. Kushner Trump didn't go after me only, but also after many other activists as you see(after whomever supported him)...

Donald J. Kushner Trump, "I love Wikileaks"(really Trump !!??? You love Wikileaks !!???)

Where is your love now !!??? Its love like this that should make every American sick !!! 

--Julian Assange's arrest a 'priority' for US attorney general(22 hours ago) 
You know who is the one that is most unfit !!???? The one that runs and wins as president on the country, but have a load of skeletons in the closet that public knows nothing about !!! Its you Donald J. Kushner Trump !!! They own you and you will not come out clean !!!

--ZIO American colony(well yeah) known as United Kingdom agrees with demands of Washington(As US prioritises Julian Assange arrest, UK hints Sweden comes first - thank you UK...he was there for you and world when we needed him, but he is no longer needed - I understand)...


Top Trump lunacy's picks , , shot down internet etc...

You are hero to real Americans and patriots worldwide Assange...I hope that people will stand behind you as firmly as you stood behind their will for freedom...I know I will !!! God bless you brother !!!

Donald J. Kushner Trump's United States of America is a major(number one worldwide) violator of free speech even that one is written in the constitution(The First Amendment to the United States Constitution ensures that there is no prohibition of the freedom of speech) can see the truth about American free speech HERE and HERE....