Tuesday, December 31, 2019

I was severely assaulted with directed energy weapons entire week long but day prior to end of lease contract was just too much

Video can be also seen at

Will press criminal charges against Youtube for inciting in AntiSemitism via extreme hatred methods

Video can be also seen at

I got unofficial MKultra case recognition from UK

Video can be also seen at https://youtu.be/0_vKK4t7QC4

Was gestured by Trump and his associates to mention on how I am also guilty of crippling people who tortured me, bu I would instead express deep concerns for this elderly psychologist of Irish roots for as long as one is willing to testify again st Donald Trump. If unwilling top testify, he is guilty of crime just as Donald Trump(that would mean he faked that time as well).

I even know where American psychologist worked at in US. Donald Trump will tell you as online outlet editor at Craigslist. Sure can describe his office and so on ;)

That Poland will get 200+ billion Euros if I prove one is worth to die for is what I was told by Buckingham palace Berlin(Berlin didn'rt like idea at all)

Royals conditioned sanity with death as mentioned above(that money would be authorised as assistance to one if they would manage to prove to UK parliamnt their involvement in case which would then release funds to sdave them in another words). My response is Poland is worth mentioned money even for the cost of death what cost to me would be in addition of wasting 25 years of my life on nothing more than torture. So I gladly will give my life for one.

Related to https://ausertimes.blogspot.com/2019/12/i-was-attacked-with-directed-energy.html

Obvioulsy some people live to hate, other to love.

I was attacked with directed energy weapon entire week(beaten up to pulps) - The worst was tonight(how not since I have to move out of British/CIA/Berlin torture terror cell to yet another possibly controlled de$$$tination).

They would stop watches(batteries), destroy belonguings as you are about to see, pain this morning was excruciating. Whole base for abuse based on debit card as told case will be by Polish police alone(Zgierz). We will read from one what you will spend money(if sweets or coffee etc.) on and based on that use directed energy wepons against you. Similarily not suffering either from diabetes or high blood pressure(only pain in brain area) issues, but thety will prove world wrong via use of directed energy wepons.

Poor you are all mentally if you ask me, but one who gives Poland the right to do as mentioned is Buckingham palace and Berlin who even pay to prove their theory about Poland for which(money wise) I gladly will instead give my life if neccesary(will do whatever it takes for Poland to get her share if my death only satisfies Berlin/Buckingham). They pay and I authorise you Poland to continue with it :))) Go for it Poland.

Scenarios I was suggested will be my future upon end of MKultra case

Emilia is a great friend of prince Charles. Off course she participated in MKultra before Game of Thrones even started - role was given to her by Charles alone. 2017 I knew all about her future brain surgery. Cancer, brain problems etc...thank you to yahoo for reming me of all beautiful scenarios awaiting me. Regardless, I will be more than pleased with whatever will follow with me as long as Poland gets her part. No worries ;) No, I am not suicidal even a bit(despite all) and I don't belive the two took their lives on their own. However, that it took them entire 25 years to get statement from me as the one I left few days ago on one of my videos is also a bit ugly picture about whom we are dealing with. Sad.

They used Poland as an excuse for their >>whatever<< you want to even call them(I don't have words for Buckingham palace really even less for Berlin which gestured that if I will cross the whole MKultra operation into area of prohibited with mentioned psychologist, I will screw Germany with my conduct to infinity) and am glad Poland took advantage of it.

@Germany - sorry to be source of your pain.

Monday, December 30, 2019

I received the biggest gift from UK yet

Really nice young geantleman involved in MKultra met me today in Lodz. Video coming.

Will thank prince Andrew for that matter.

@my psychologist girl

I will wait for you. Have joyous New Year day with daughter, mom, and rest of the family/friends. https://youtu.be/WvAr9umnZ54

I am reminded of you everywhere I go/am and greateful to people for that matter. Many many keep you close to their hearts. They have faith in you. Its a nice neighborhood arround here. Special thanks to geantleman in Kurak who promissed would do something like this :)))

Friday, December 27, 2019

CNN Anderson(all the senior reporters) etc.

Hollywood almost like Zgierz to me. This MKultra case went on for entire 22 years.

I mention CNN because I fear of obituaries. This case was used to implicate in one entire American upper class society and evaluate one according to what actions were taken incl obituaries you watch now.

Kelly Ripa Mark Consuelos built their entire careers via my MKultra case

Two never missed a single MKultra opportunity to meet with me. Know well mom and father of Kelly. 👋👍

Nice people.

Even portable water heater and new lamp destroyed

new lamp cable cut to the point one would explode me when working on computer.

Portable water heater was used bought on market, but lamp brand new.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

I snapped earlier at Netanyahu and Israel - many reasons for that matter

Perhaps he wanted to help, but its this type of help I no longer see as help. Scenario he used under MKultra to get my attention was the nastiest one as described earlier. He used numerous prior to what might have been most likely in Poland - 2015 when taken also to Israel(could well be 2017 as I was treated with lots of respect - highly unusual). Netanyahu with some exception even suggested who officer you see on his right side is...took me to her office. Pointed out she is daughter of some officer and works I believe about two/three doors from his office on same floor. 

My trust was betrayed too many times. Last time in Belarus in 2017 when taken for a ride across the border(perhaps even further as suggested) when in bed with Russian girl. 

Thank you I guess - was there with Pahor and even husband from my niece.

'Baby It's Warm Outside' / Jlo

The thing is that fter the two of you were done, your impersonators popped up on scene(yours J.Lo and psychologist's doppelgangers). Do you know what followed !!??? Abduction threats to Russia. 

Psychologist, "When you see news like this make sure you go for a walk so we can meet" /Jennifer, "I will do that for you".

Then different scenarios followed with different individuals on picture. First same repeated on what question appeared supposedly from Jennifer as per "why" and "do you really want to help this guy"....answered followed from psychologist's impersonator, "naahhh, its just the way to get him to Russia...I have to do this and that - get him out of here")...

Psychologist and whoever associated with her were super closely monitored and their habits super closely studied. Once psychologist trolled me with angel at Manufactura's shopping mall - she liked idea of being my angel in humorous sense - sure enough they followed with total lunacy scenario at local library(they had angels competition AND again this yer to remind me of their lunacy scenario) where scenario changed from doing all for her to doing it for those that place money on table - Royals basically.

Psychologist shortly lived inside of this very home as well first with her Russian hubby and then once even as family with her tinny daughter.

Back in 2003 or so, her Russian husband who would wondered local forest on and on was deemed as insane by locals and all involved in MKultra. They begun to confront/ask him why is he wondering forest on and on...what is going on. He just felt nothing wrong by doing so - told he have to keep himself in shape to be of use at all as this place was super depressive to him at no wonder. Russian KGB(Valerio among others) begun to threaten one to get serious and clean house or will have serious problems to deal with. 

Sometimes in 2005 or so, trip to Moscow for the couple's relationship(first crises)  ended in serious jeopardy. Russian KGBs took too far relationship with her by impressing her via humiliating her hubby in variety of ways infront of her - he no longer took pro Russian stand as in the past as KGB's hooliganism didn't appeal to him any longer either(he came on my side and have switched tables).

You no longer are hit in Russia I must disappoint you. Putin no longer want to see you on picture as you represent opposite(you are international student promoter - friend and he is running totally other business as explained on my news site - you and Lopes are just not a nazi material) interests of his Russia. You are also not fit according to him for the right role in this case. He found several blondes for me and in case I would really feel something for you, exact girl bellow. Is it possible for me to remember via MKultra all these details - you know its a fact undeniable. Yes.

You have 4 days left to answer :(((

The death count of well known people for 2019 according to yahoo


Hitler had a beautiful beautiful furnace plan for Pollacks(I think for more than just 80-85 proc.) - their turn would come right after Jews

From https://www.dw.com/
One would stop operation of every furnace in the country(disconnect electricity just in case) and at the same time would open free direct flights to Auschwisland in warm Caribbean...nope, this for now is just a fiction due to my present location used also for purposes of stuffing with Antisemitism per Kaczynski/Duda/Morawiecki and other eastern European treasures who encouraged already crazy enoughg Netanyahu to go a bit too far :)))), but from what you see bellow and news as seen at(niemczech-dziennie-setki-nowych-przypadk about thousands of people disappearing in Germany to unknown locations uppssss - perhaps google maps can't see what runs under German ground) today went on, one doesn't deffer much from WWII reality. Similarly we see young people die daily on American news sites - some for better(afterlifers); I assume, and some really for the worst.

The question of yesterday therefore doesn't stop with WWII awareness(sure its a great start), but with observation and involvement in the world today.

What you see was posted by Deutsche Welle(German news outlet) and I would thank one for the honest approach toward sensitive for Germany issues in such turmoil times as we face today:


Generalplan Ost i jego twórca. „Polacy są najniebezpieczniejsi ze wszystkich obcoplemieńców”

Następni po Żydach mieli być Polacy. 80-85 proc. polskiego narodu miało paść ofiarą machiny zagłady. Tak zakładał Generalplan Ost. Twórcą tej zbrodniczej wizji był lekarz Hans Ehlich.

Mircze. Jedna wieś. 23 stycznia 1943 r. życie jej 740 mieszkańców legnie w gruzach. Wszyscy zostają wypędzeni ze swoich domów. Cała wieś ma zostać zasiedlona niemieckimi osadnikami. Ludzie z Mircza trafiają do obozu przejściowego w Zamościu. W niedługim czasie umiera tu dziesięcioro maleńkich dzieci. Miały od miesiąca do dwóch lat.
Mircze. Jedna spośród niemal 300 miejscowości na Zamojszczyźnie, których mieszkańców Niemcy wysiedlają pomiędzy listopadem 1942 r. a sierpniem 1943 r. Łącznie, w niecały rok, w ramach Aktion Zamosc, na tułaczkę, obozy, wywózkę na roboty skazanych zostaje 110 tys. Polaków, w tym 30 tys. dzieci. Tysiące z nich naziści uprowadzają do Rzeszy, aby poddać je germanizacji. Niemieckie odziały pacyfikacyjne niszczą 17 wsi, choć domostwa miały pozostać nienaruszone i służyć osiedlanym tu volksdeutschom. Tam, gdzie mieszkańcy Zamojszczyzny nie poddają się przymusowym wysiedleniom, spadają na nich kary. We wsiach, gdzie opór był najsilniejszy – w Sochach, Szarajówce i Kitowie – Niemcy mordują mieszkańców.
Aktion Zamosc to laboratorium Generalplan Ost. Tak wyglądałoby urządzanie Wschodu, gdyby Niemcy wygrali.
Misja życia doktora Ehlicha
Hans Ehlich należy do elity intelektualistów SS. Dobrze wykształcony, po studiach medycznych w Lipsku, gdzie już w latach 20. XX w. styka się z ideologią nazistowską. Lekarz z kilkuletnią prywatną praktyką, w połowie lat 30. zostaje specjalistą do spraw rasowych w resorcie zdrowia Saksonii oraz w NSDAP. Pnie się po szczeblach kariery w SS – po agresji Niemiec na Polskę w 1939 roku zostaje szefem wydziału III B Głównego Urzędu Bezpieczeństwa Rzeszy (RSHA), gdzie podlegają mu kwestie rasowe i narodowościowe, relacje etniczne i „zdrowie publiczne”. Kolegą Ehlicha w RSHA, jako szef wydziału IV B 4, zostaje Adolf Eichmann, odpowiedzialny za działania wykonawcze i logistyczne – osądzony po wojnie w Izraelu jako jeden z głównych sprawców Holokaustu.

Dr Ehlich jest tym z owych zaangażowanych w SS intelektualistów, któremu powierzone zostaje zadanie przekucia w plan działań lansowanej przez nazistów koncepcji „Blut und Boden” („krew i ziemia”). Zadanie dla nazistowskiego intelektualisty ważne, bo nadzorowane przez szefa SS Heinricha Himmlera. Od Reichsfuehrera SS planów organizacji etnicznego podboju Wschodu domaga się zaś Adolf Hitler.
W wydziale III B powstaje co najmniej kilka planów, niektóre określane mianem Generalplan Ost. Wizja zdobywania i organizowania przestrzeni życiowej na Wschodzie przybiera coraz bardziej monstrualne i przerażające rozmiary wraz z sukcesami Wehrmachtu. Apogeum planowania wielkich przesiedleń ludności podbitej i jej masowej eksterminacji przypada na rok 1942 – kiedy niemieckie zagony pancerne przebijają się do roponośnych pól nad Morzem Kaspijskim. To ten sam rok, w którym po konferencji w Wannsee III Rzesza rozpoczyna masową eksterminację ludności żydowskiej w obozach zagłady. Gdy w nocy z 27 na 28 listopada 1942 r. Niemcy przystępują do Aktion Zamosc, w nieodległym Bełżcu już od ponad pół roku w komorach gazowych tysiącami mordowani są Żydzi z dystryktów krakowskiego, lubelskiego i Galicji. Dymią krematoria Chełmna nad Nerem, Sobiboru i Treblinki. Machina zagłady „oczyszcza” Wschód dla „narodu panów”.
Plan zbrodni
Historycy są zgodni – Generalny Plan Wschodni, obok zagłady Żydów, jest jedną z najbardziej zbrodniczych idei dyktatury nazistowskiej. Logistyka zbrodni, ta nakreślona w najbardziej rozbudowanych wersjach planu z 1942 r. jest oczywista: najpierw zagłada Żydów, później, w 20 lat po wojnie, eksterminacja i przesiedlenia Słowian z ich najliczniejszym narodem.

We wszystkich wersjach Generalplan Ost występuje jako tzw. Duży Plan i wiele Małych Planów.
Duży Plan jest perspektywą długoterminową i ma stworzyć Niemcom nową, idylliczną krainę – wolną od „obcoplemieńców”. Z doskonale zorganizowanymi wsiami, zupełnie rentownymi i samodzielnymi. Ze zdecentralizowanym przemysłem i nową strukturą miast i miejscowości. Efektem realizacji planu ma być wzorcowa wiejska kraina idealnie wpisująca się w nowy, powojenny niemiecki krajobraz.
Plan, według różnych wariantów, zakłada pełną realizację wizji zasiedlenia Wschodu najpierw w ciągu 30 lat, a w końcowych wersjach w ciągu 20 lat od zakończenia wojny. Upojony sukcesami po inwazji na Związek Radziecki, szef SS Heinrich Himmler nakazuje przystąpić do realizacji Dużego Planu jeszcze w trakcie działań wojennych. Pierwszym jego akordem ma być Aktion Zamosc. To Himmler osobiście wydaje rozkaz do jej rozpoczęcia.
Duży Plan obejmuje wysiedlenie lub uśmiercenie przynajmniej 31 mln Słowian (z 45 mln ujętych w planie), w tym ok. 80-85 proc. Polaków. Dr Erhard Wetzel, przy ocenie przedstawionej przez Hansa Ehlicha finalnej wersji Generalplan Ost, przestrzega, że Polacy są „najbardziej wrogo usposobieni w stosunku do Niemców, liczebnie najsilniejsi, a wskutek tego najniebezpieczniejsi ze wszystkich obcoplemieńców, których wysiedlenie plan przewiduje”.
Jako docelowe miejsce wysiedleń ludności polskiej wskazywane są azjatyckie obszary Rosji, w okolicach koła podbiegunowego. Warunki tam panujące miały sprawić, że Polacy zostaną zdziesiątkowani i wymrą w dającym się przewidzieć czasie. Nie objęci wysiedleniami mieli pozostać na terenie Generalnego Gubernatorstwa, służąc jako darmowa siła robocza, niewielu tylko podlegałoby germanizacji. Oznaczałoby to pozostawienie przy życiu 4-4,5 mln Polaków. 

Księga gończa groźnych Polaków
W państwie nazistowskim zbrodnie nie wynikają z samowoli. Zbrodnie są istotą tego państwa. Są zaplanowane i przekazane do wykonania. Nie wszystkie zbrodnicze plany istnieją w głowach przywódców nazistowskich Niemiec, czy oddanych im intelektualistów z SS od początku, od wybuchu wojny, czy nawet od napaści na ZSRR. Nie, te plany ewoluują wraz ze zwycięstwami Wehrmachtu. I przybierają coraz bardziej zbrodniczy charakter.
Jeszcze przed wybuchem II wojny światowej Niemcy tworzą listę Polaków przeznaczonych do zlikwidowania. Była to tzw. księga gończa, która powstaje na zlecenie szefa Gestapo Reinharda Heydricha (późniejszego przełożonego Hansa Ehlicha, gdy ten tworzył Generalplan Ost). Lista zawiera 61 tys. nazwisk Polaków, których Rzesza uznaje za groźnych. W ramach operacji „Tannenberg” zaledwie w dwa miesiące wymordowanych zostaje 20 tys. osób z tej listy.
Operacja „Tannenberg” jest przykładem Małego Planu, realizowanego zanim w RSHA dopracowano się Generalplanu. Podobnie jak Intelligenzaktion w Poznańskiem, na Śląsku, na Mazowszu, w Łodzi czy na Pomorzu, w ramach której Niemcy mordują ok. 40 tys. przedstawicieli polskich elit. W Sonderaktion Lublin eksterminacji poddanych zostaje 2 tys. osób (w tym wielu duchownych), w Sonderaktion Krakau aresztowanych zostaje 183 pracowników naukowych Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego i Akademii Górniczej, którzy zostają wywiezieni do obozów koncentracyjnych. W Akcji AB, przeprowadzonej w połowie 1940 r., w wyniku masowych mordów ginie ponad 3,5 tys. osób spośród czołowych przedstawicieli polskiej inteligencji z Generalnego Gubernatorstwa. A takie miejsca jak Palmiry, Zamek Lubelski, więzienie Montelupich w Krakowie, Jasło, Bliżyn koło Kielc, Firlej – już na zawsze zapisują się w pamięci.

Papież volkizmu
W Berlinie Ehlich uchodzi za intelektualny autorytet i wybitnego specjalistę. Rozstrzyga wątpliwości dotyczące spraw rasowych i etniczych. 30 stycznia 1940 r. wspólnie z Adolfem Eichmannem decyduje, że 160 tys. Polaków i Żydów z terenów Wołynia i Pomorza ma zostać przesiedlonych do Generalnego Gubernatorstwa.
Ehlich jest też dyrektorem Kuratorium ds. Etnologii i Geografii Regionalnej. Współpracuje również z Ahnenerbe, nazistowskim instytutem badawczym, który badaniami „naukowymi” i artykułami stara się udowodnić wyższość Niemców nad innymi narodami, a także daje podstawy do eksperymentów na ludziach. W procesach norymberskich szef tego instytutu Wolfram Sievers zostaje skazany na karę śmierci.
Pod kierunkiem Ehlicha powstaje jeden z ostatecznych wariantów Generalplan Ost. Dokument nie zachował się, ale znany jest z odnoszących się do niego komentarzy, analiz i opinii. Przygotowanie GPO zleca Ehlichowi Himmler, ale podobne zadanie otrzymuje również m.in. prof. Konrad Meyer, specjalista SS od polityki rolnej.
Jednak Ehlich, w przeciwieństwie do Meyera i twórców innych wariantów, ma również moc sprawczą, aby zlecać i doglądać realizacji poszczególnych elementów planu. To Ehlich odpowiada, z punktu widzenia planistycznego i logistycznego, za jego wdrożenie.
Tuż przed upadkiem Berlina i klęską III Rzeszy, departament III B RSHA niszczy swoje akta, a części personelu nadaje nową tożsamość. Hans Ehlich, wraz z innymi wysokimi urzędnikami RSHA, ewakuuje się na północ kraju, do nietkniętego działaniami zbrojnymi Flensburga. Po śmierci Hitlera ulokował się tam prowizoryczny rząd Rzeszy kierowany przez admirała Karla Doenitza. Ehlich przydzielony zostaje do biura prasowego.
Uniki i mydlenie oczu
Początkowo Ehlich unika aresztowania, ale w lipcu 1945 r. zostaje zatrzymany przez Brytyjczyków. Trafia do obozu dla internowanych w Fallingsbostel w Dolnej Saksonii. Tam po raz pierwszy i, jak się okazuje, po raz ostatni staje przed sądem w charakterze oskarżonego. Ehlichowi, jak i tysiącom innych internowanych w brytyjskiej strefie okupacyjnej, zarzuca się przynależność do SS (a konkretnie do Służby Bezpieczeństwa – SD), czyli organizacji uznanych przez Trybunał w Norymberdze za zbrodnicze. W akcie oskarżenia czytamy, że Ehlich musiał wiedzieć o morderstwach i czystkach etnicznych na Wschodzie. Musiał wiedzieć o germanizacji, o zmuszaniu do pracy przymusowej, o istnieniu obozów koncentracyjnych, zagładzie Żydów, o programie eutanazji czy masowych zbrodniach popełnianych przez grupy operacyjne SS i Gestapo.

Sąd traktuje jednak „papieża volkizmu” dość łagodnie, najwyraźniej nie zdając sobie sprawy z roli, jaką oskarżony odegrał w przygotowywaniu Generalnego Planu Wschodniego. 7 października 1948 roku Ehlich zostaje skazany na rok i dziewięć miesięcy więzienia, przy czym, jak w zdecydowanej większości podobnych przypadków, na poczet kary zaliczono mu internowanie, co oznacza, że od razu może wyjść na wolność.
W uzasadnieniu wyroku czytamy, że Ehlich co prawda bardzo dużo wiedział o tym, co dzieje się na Wschodzie, to jednak „nie brał udziału ani wykonawczo, ani planistycznie w zbrodniczych działaniach”. Za okoliczność łagodzącą uznano też kooperatywną postawę oskarżonego podczas rozprawy i jego „dobry charakter”. Hans Ehlich, człowiek wykształcony, z doktoratem, znający język angielski, musiał zrobić na sądzie dobre wrażenie.
Zmylenie prowizorycznego sądu przy obozie internowanych, rozpatrującego hurtowo tysiące podobnych przypadków, nie jest zapewne dla Ehlicha trudnym zadaniem, zwłaszcza, że kilkanaście miesięcy wcześniej z powodzeniem zamydlił już oczy dysponującym potężniejszym aparatem dochodzeniowym i żądnym nazistowskich głów amerykańskim prokuratorom Trybunału w Norymberdze. Ehlich zeznawał przed Trybunałem jedynie w charakterze świadka w procesach innych wysokich rangą esesmanów z RSHA. Analizując złożone wówczas przez Ehlicha zeznania, francuski historyk Christian Ingrao pisze, że „Ehlich, który był jednym z najbardziej prominentnych szefów SD i co za tym idzie – godnym podziwu znawcą labiryntu nazistowskich instytucji, dokłada szczególnych starań, żeby uczynić go w swoich opisach tak skomplikowanym, jak to tylko możliwe”. Ehlich z premedytacją miesza fakty dotyczące Generalplan Ost i organizacji pracy w RSHA, podaje fałszywe daty, po to, aby zrzucić z siebie odpowiedzialność za przygotowanie planu, a także usunąć się z kręgu osób mających jakikolwiek związek z eksterminacją ludności.

Nie chodzi zresztą tylko o krycie siebie, ale też współpracowników z RSHA. O tym jak w praktyce wyglądała w Norymberdze i w późniejszych procesach operacja „ręka rękę myje”, świadczą zachowane w archiwach, złożone pod przysięgą oświadczenia wysokich rangą esesmanów, dotyczące samego Ehlicha. Wyłania się z nich obraz wręcz krystalicznego człowieka, który brzydził się nazizmem i teoriami rasowymi, a wręcz z nimi walczył. Kierownik wydziału III C w RSHA Wilhelm Sprengler zapewnia w listopadzie 1947 r., że „Ehlich nie hołdował szowinistycznemu pojęciu narodu ani rasowemu szaleństwu, rozumianemu jako to, że na czele wszystkich ludzi stoi rasa nordycka, a wszyscy inni są mało wartościowi. Występował przeciwko takim demagogicznym, prymitywnym stwierdzeniom (…) W swojej pracy dr Ehlich częściowo ostro krytykował szowinistyczne działanie niektórych niemieckich ośrodków na terenach okupowanych”.
W tym samym dokumencie Sprengler przekonuje też, że Ehlich „w żadnym przypadku nie wspierał nazistowskich rządów terroru na terenach okupowanych, wręcz przeciwnie. Walczył o korekty popełnianych przez nazistów błędów”. Laurkę Ehlichowi wystawia też emerytowany generał Waffen SS Gottfried Klingemann zapewniający, że „Ehlich nie był rasistą, walczył ze złymi tendencjami w partii i kraju”.
Można przypuszczać, że premedytacja w rozmywaniu winy wydziału III B, połączona z pozytywnymi opiniami od współpracowników, a wsparta jeszcze erudycją i inteligencją Ehlicha, pozwoliły mu prześliznąć się przez norymberskie sito, a potem 28 czerwca 1949 r. przejść procedurę denazyfikacyjną. Ehlicha zakwalifikowano go kategorii III – osób, które wydatnie wspomagały nazizm, ale nie do kategorii sprawców. Ehlichowi zakazano na dwa lata prowadzenia praktyki lekarskiej. Na tym, i wcześniejszym internowaniu, kończy się katalog poniesionych przez niego kar.
Cichy, szanowany lekarz
Po denazyfikacji i upływie zakazu praktykowania, Ehlich osiada w Brunszwiku w Dolnej Saksonii. Otwiera gabinet lekarski. W latach 70. mieszka w domku z ogródkiem w spokojnej dzielnicy Brunszwiku, tuż nad zielonym brzegiem rzeki Oker. Ostatnie lata życia spędza w skromnym mieszkaniu w czteropiętrowym bloku na jednym z niczym nie wyróżniających się osiedli. Umiera w roku swoich 90 urodzin – w 1991 r.
– Mieszkał tu, na parterze – mówi jeden z sąsiadów, którego pytamy na podwórku o doktora Ehlicha. Starszy mężczyzna wspomina go jako bardzo spokojnego, cichego, unikającego kontaktów człowieka. – Witaliśmy się na klatce, ale to wszystko. Był wycofany, nie angażował się w życie wspólnoty mieszkaniowej, raczej nie był odwiedzany – mówi. Mężczyzna wie, że jego niegdysiejszy sąsiad był wysokim rangą nazistą, choć, jak twierdzi, nigdy się o tym głośno nie mówiło. Jak wspomina, Ehlich nie pasował do obrazu, jaki ma się przed oczami myśląc o architektach zbrodni Trzeciej Rzeszy. – Niski, cichy, nie sprawiał wrażenia, jakby był kimś ważnym, nie zadzierał nosa – mówi.

Praktykę lekarską Ehlich prowadził aż do lat 80., długo po osiągnięciu wieku emerytalnego, pozostając szanowanym, choć raczej unikającym publicznego rozgłosu  obywatelem miasta.
Po Hansie Ehlichu w Brunszwiku zostało niewiele śladów. Nie istnieje gabinet lekarski, w którym przyjmował pacjentów przez ponad 20 lat. Lokalna Izba Lekarska nie ma, albo nie chce mieć żadnych informacji na jego temat. Nasze pytanie w tej sprawie pozostaje bez odpowiedzi.
Kilka dokumentów o Ehlichu zachowało się w lokalnym archiwum, niektóre dość świeże. Okazuje się, że w 1988 r. zbliżającym się do dziewięćdziesiątki Ehlichem interesowała się Centrala Badania Zbrodni Narodowosocjalistycznych w Ludwigsburgu. Jej prokuratorzy natknęli się na nowe dokumenty w sprawie masakry mieszkańców czeskich Lidic dokonanej przez Niemców w czerwcu 1942 r., po zamachu na szefa RSHA Reinharda Heydricha. W tym kontekście pojawiło się także nazwisko Ehlicha. W 1991 r. rozpoczęto postępowanie sprawdzające. Śledczy z Ludwigsburga zaczęli wypytywać w prokuraturze w Brunszwiku o Ehlicha. Postępowanie zostało jednak umorzone – Ehlich zmarł kilka miesięcy wcześniej.
Aż do śmierci
„W 1945 r. miałem już 11 lat, ale moje przeżycia nie pozwalały mi już być dzieckiem pod względem psychicznym, wojna odcisnęła swoje piętno na mojej psychice” – pisał we wspomnieniach z 1987 roku Adolf Boczkowski.
– Gdy miałem już 18 lat i słyszałem nadlatujący samolot, to zawsze musiałem schować się pod jakimś drzewem lub za murkiem. Bałem się, że spadną bomby. To uczucie pozostało we mnie długo. A to, co przeżyłem w obozie, siedzi we mnie bardzo głęboko – wspomina w rozmowie z nami Ryszard Szpyrko, jeden z wysiedlonych w Aktion Zamosc.
Elżbieta Malicka opowiada o traumie ciągnącej się za wysiedlonymi przez całe życie: – Po przymusowej pracy w Niemczech wróciliśmy do Polski. Po latach spotkaliśmy naszą matkę, która też w trakcie wojny została wysiedlona do Niemiec. Mieszkaliśmy w Rzeszy od siebie kilkanaście kilometrów, ale nie wiedzieliśmy o swoim istnieniu… Nie zapomnę, jak mocno wtuliłam się w ramiona mamy. Wojna i praca w fabryce nawozów ją wyniszczyły. Niedługo potem zmarła. Znów straciłam matkę, tym razem na zawsze. Tego czasu nikt mi nie odda.
Wszyscy byli dziećmi. Wszyscy widzieli wynoszone z baraków trupy. Każdy z nich stracił kogoś bliskiego lub znajomego. Pamiętają zapach bydlęcego wagonu.
Pamiętać będą aż do śmierci.

Tekst powstał w ramach wspólnej akcji Deutsche Welle, Interii i Wirtualnej Polski.  

Talking about Soviet Union and "president" Trump who had his henchmen along Buckingham palace torturing in Poland :))))


Don't know whether Russians see in Putin a small Stalin or Tsar, but am certain that similarities between him and Stalin are in fact quite big(not wallet wise as he is a thief/thug compared to Stalin, but Putin wants to be seen like tsar while using Stalin's methods which he undeniably does). Not only because of my case, but because of great similarities of one with what you see is happening across Russia against Russian people alone and in neighboring Russian states like Poland(even in far distanced Slovenia believe it or not from where I am) etc. to those willing to stand for their people. 

Yes, some were pronounced simply as insane and others are sent to special locations for the purpose of rehabilitation into more role citizens. Funny 23 years old Russian found himself in such situation since Putin(obviously dude is fascistoid who used even German money from oil exports for attack on Ukraine - never mind 23 years old Russian) accused Poland today of colluding with Hitler in WWII(putin-poland-hitler-nazis-antisemitism-second-world-war and because I saw today American trucks and other military equipment left in Syria behind by American troops on the run - all "confiscated"(I told you Americans keep leaving Russian troops free gifts from which Russia learns how to build close to real weapons and HUMVEES us-military-outpost-syria/) by Russian military personnel. 

Global neonazi plan thanks to Putin(NOTHING WOULD BE AS IS WITHOUT THIS HITLEROID) is alive and well. I told you.


that person was exiled lets say to Siberia or some other cold climate location for 10/15 perhaps 20/25 even 30 years of forced "work assignment" on what if he returned alive somehow would apologize to individual who sent him to such hell hole(beside person being most likely totally innocent this always was precondition for return as without here mentioned person would just fade away in some remote location under the burden of forced circumstances) was USSR or Yugoslavia(basically old Eastern Europe). Its also how I see Duda/Morawiecki's(BORUT PAHOR) views on my situation as in Poland as far as my apologizing for crime done on me and for total betrayal(basically torturing physically person to the point one would turn against own people) against me.

I don't buy it Mr Putin/Kaczynski. Your Soviet times are past bye.

And this Putin's parasite does have Soviet history to make myself clear https://nczas.com/2019/05/29/szokujace-informacje-o-jaroslawie-kaczynskim-i-sowieckiej-ambasadzie-cejrowski-bez-znieczulenia-skomentowal-podejrzane-zachowanie-prezesa-pis/

Here is where I would supposedly end next

American who was inside of the garage dated girl who still works at the local Orlen gas station in 2015 and 2017. 

Its where I was brought by individual who sold me Skoda on what I was brainwashed infront of others via indirect intimidation on how car engine wouldn't fail if I would manage to repair engine and so on...the landlord's mother was loud(electronic harassment too- not allowed to sleep) today at 0700am because I shouldn't miss >>the opportunity<<. 

You now get an idea about madness I am in because of this country - its what they agreed to Trump and he assisted his buddy Putin who wanted me to see Poland no longer through obvious KGB criminals which Duda imported to Poland to torture in Grotnikih yet again, but through eyes of corrupt Americans, Ukrainians(just people from Ukraine and not real Ukrainians) and selected Pollacks alone. Next to Russia, option for sale also existed for to GBas fasr as Zgierz....

Before(prior to Zgierz) the sale to the Russia, Duda attempted to sell me back either to USA or Israel - its what Grotniki was mostly used for. 

She knew about this place(its how they got me in here) and she knew about this very garage.

 American was shitting inside of the garage and digging holes in local forest to hide his excrements(its the only negative thing he complained about, but locals had more to say about it). Despite this fact and fact that he showered himself in forest(he would get water at gas station just some 100 meters away), he was very very pleased with garage when comparing his situation to me with location where I am at right now(had a very low electricity bill - warm in another words).

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Slavic catastrophy strikes again - next to people like him, anyone would turn to Satan for salvation

Murdering some 13.000+ Ukrainians just recently for his personal financial gains, Putanowich eagerly tells Ribbentrop Molotov extermination plan for Poland never existed https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/putin-poland-hitler-nazis-antisemitism-second-world-war-a9260011.html

Fascist swine then proceeds to explain about antisemitism in Poland which exists and is a problem, but indifferent from the one in Russia. Fascist so severe he would even have issues with allowing niece of Netanyahu to call Russia permanently a home.

@Putin....nobody us coming to you. You are left to yourself with your own theories. You would turn Christ against Christianity if you could. 100x worse than Judas is what you are.

Yes, even Germany acknowledged WWll mistake - who knows, perhaps fascist swine from Moscow deliberately pushes Poland in her arms along with problem which we have in Poland already(problem known as Kaczynski).

This also is my last Christmas like this

If mentioned female psychologies doesn't find her way to my life before New Year's day, she never will.

Nobody from the past will ever again enter my future. All babes from politicians(daughters) are thing of the past. Once you are out or called out, you are gone from picture for good is simple as that as are too many super powerful lobbies out there that love nothing more than play with human lives.

Reason: I have found(met) along the way within one year and half some 100 + females or so whom I have courted when subjected to MKultra(they were injected back on post MKultra picture with reason XX???XX). Many on these females on my surprise(surprise since I was a total wrack when subjected to MKultra) were more than just interested in real relationship with me - quite a few ended on my surprise single. I continued to ignore them because of here mentioned individual. 

Ignored not for the sake of super nasty coughing which public bombarded me with wherever I went, but because I even deemed(beside her misdeed in life, beside decision to do something very Polish for Poland - totally rejecting German brainwash, beside remembering her happy moments when around me, beside wanting to reward women on general by giving example on how men should see single mothers in extremely otherwise contradictory circumstances - basically give them idea of just how much they are worth as a human beings) that coughing alone was used to push me away from her(told under MKultra over and over again that she ONLY will cure me of false allegations related to psychiatric abuse - possibly not even her idea, but instead yet another scam) and its why I continue to publicly reject her involvement in my personal matter just as the case was in Grotnikih(you don't need to be savior - I asked what normal males ask for nothing more) - sure is nice that Poland revealed all blunder in which one have involved herself and me personally(ruining me 25 years of my life and turned me along Putin/Pahor even into enemy of own people - this was well compensated from outside as well), but there is no need for me to demonstrate to anyone in Poland INCLUDING HER ALONE absolutely anything beyond my MKultra claim. It is simple - Poland owes me; I don't owe to anyone absolutely anything in this world. The whole case if anyone wanted to help(NO ONE DID IS A SIMPLE FACT) would spare me a lots of suffering if reported and escalated to proper authorities on time. Instead bet$$$ for my bare life have fallen on table(you bet with my life which right none of you ever had) - it was time for a game rather than saving me and its how it went - I against whole world for no less than 22 years. Lived double life and supposedly in other part of Europe a girl psychologist did too...she was on MKultra picture for the longest time and gave many useful advises - have even chosen clothing for me which I purchased in used clothing store in Lodz(all from MKultra and all fit to last millimeter for my size). It appeared to have wished for the best and I am certain she deserves the best of the best. 

Very shortly after meeting her in Grotnikah in 2018, she even signaled me Trump(old man she met in Torun) - tried me to see if I really remember her(perhaps even felt not good enough or so - she is modest) and then simply blocked me on Facebook after suggesting me buggy scenario from MKultra she came up with(brainwash situation related to mental hospital in Poland where she was with me and repeated from MKultra to see if I would go against her - didn't when subjected to MKultra in this particular situation and never would)

Negative stuff even if one was real, I have deliberately never attributed to her in my post MKultra period. I consciously blocked one because none of us is perfect and she did appeared to be guardian angel all along. She went on to signal me honesty beyond honesty.

Referred to me in US by minorities alone as Maria and myself as Jesus sinner, the two of us became strangest couple known to man kind....People talked and laughed - others were puzzled...

Fact here is that even angels need intimacy - I on the other hand need to know why second Christmas in Poland again all by myself and at age 48...why so many females on post MKultra picture and not a single trace of you.

From totally indecent street exposures, coughing(have no clue why coughing since I have done whole thing which should never be a case on the first place by myself) to reminding me of all MKultra blunders concerning females WHICH GOVERNMENTS CREATED and for which(who knows if it was you and even if it was it doesn't matter - possibly) you have suggested I cheated with(women did exposed naked and some even encouraged to touch them and more, but I never had a real single sexual relationship with any of them and this as much as I wanted - not hiding - it just never ever happened and it angers me also as per WHY NOT since all incl. yourself have had sexual lives - something I never ever was jealous off, but exactly the opposite)

Someone if not you also gestured me I would send this via facebook, but will dare to post right here for world to see(heard quickening outside as was case under MKultra - they replicate absolutely everything knowing very well via possible key-loggers of cameras what exactly I write)

Post can be responded till new years' day - then you can just disregard one. I(https://youtu.be/j8y1kp5x0GA and clowns from Buckingham love it just like that:) am used to not getting answers anyways. 

Hate writing weird stuff like this. Reminds me all to much of old Irish American psychologist brain washer in whose shoes Trump made me walk...

Coming next is truth(video) about car or how Trump designed one would collapse via simple refrigerant liquid replacement

I told you how mechanics modified car into nothing other than problem. Now the best  yet about car will come out. Designed in such way that car would fall apart during simple oil change. Car according to MKultra instructions of man who sold me one shouldn't even be driven during winter(SYNTHETIC OIL ADDED OVER AND OVER AGAIN AND CHANGED WITHIN 1500 KILOMETERS). Refrigerant bleeded out and added same type of refrigerant only as oil is leaking excessively into cooling system via gasket I believe - to the point when car would experienced problems even with pistons and transmission. Seller have also replaced original oil dipstick long 55 centimeters with longer 59 cm one, so the problem wouldn't be detected on time. Its a total diabolical lunacy.

Car I have is the most known car in Poland. All mechanics in Zgierz/Lodz know one...seller even told me that I will have to return him car once MKultra is completed/revealed as presidents(Pahor as an example) drove one.

So plan was to rip me via this car of all savings. Get me back on bike and foot. Destroy me entirely to the last dime. Truly truly nice. Prepare for court with present landlord is all I can say.

3 of 3 Life inside of refrigerator part

Video can be also seen at 

One miserable life is what Trump designed at age even 48 for me. Ice baths are not such problem, but wounds on hands are. Comes close to pain unbearable.

Story about librarians on ulica Dolga in Zgierz

#1 lady in Zgierz whom I wanted to date when subjected to MKultra(year 2002 if not even earlier) was a beautiful blonde(this is extraordinary women if you ask me - she still is single guys) librarian and the oldest one of them all. Situation dates back when Germans still had control over the case as per with whom I would date and why via Kaczynski. Due to age difference and political turmoil which exploded in area, she was replaced by what they deemed would be younger and more Polish looking(please excuse me on Polish as lady is down to earth and as Polish as it gets - Trump's neonazi turmoil which he created in Poland via $$$$ begun to divide country most severely) candidates. Its when my little psychologist begun to merge on picture along with several other beauties.

#2 Smaller heavy librarian now was in 2003 or so waaaaayyyy slimmer. Feminist pit-bull(ohhh how she b**** at me and fought for other coworkers) was in fact appealing lady whom mental problems related to this case begun to totally eat her on in and out. I was guilty in her eyes for ruining lives of other librarians - accused according to her to spread nazism and ruining their lives(I was a uncontrolled flirt under MKultra - it was extremely boring and only beautiful women and good looking cars perhaps fine watches would get my attention). For the rest I reserved more and more as an option to insult people incl. women which would flirt with me and which no longer were interested to proceed with such relation...she lobbied for my psychologist to the end - in her eyes I was cheater even that I was nothing more than a alive human toy. She is happily married

#3 Tall librarian was a treat for all politicians and as I relentlessly hoped under MKultra would become one for me as well. Experiencing severe mentioned issues led her into divorce for several years...for things to get worse for her and other librarians, she become tool of politicians in future war against me. Liking me and vice-versa from my side brought her in war(pillow fight) with mentioned psychologist which fought for me all along to stay on picture - one thing is what she was told and demonstrated and something completely different is what went on behind her back. Mentioned librarian at one point and time experienced heavy psychological problems due to drug(she was heavily misused) overuse. Appointed as boss in this library(turn for one to become was of mentioned heavier librarian which also is the most qualified according to her education, but politicians Musk Trump alike wanted the opposite - they craved for heavy control - mentioned psychologist was after all the biggest pain and sorrow to them in this case). No wonder picture about psychologist became more and more distorted - Germans and Trump demanded from myself to see her even as mentally ill.

Some 50 females at least were used to imitate her - any habit she displayed infront of me was used in at lest 100 ways to depict me one as a form of abuse in sickest forms possible. Librarian ladies which embraced her, begun to turn vision in directions which others insisted on - it was direction of money(money trail). Its why I was called in face by this librarian even stupid in face and desperately reminded of all scenarios possible designed to somehow push me away from her in last moment. Acting as a control pown, lives of hers and lives of other librarians into real nightmare. Horror past, present for the sake of future ordeal in which they were obligated to play out of Trump's script and of which she had to remind herself as well as them on daily bases(scenario that would rather fit into most mentally ill movie script ever), ruined her and lives of other librarians. Their lives must became a living hell horror and no wonder in 2015, she found herself at major's office insisting on whole thing to end. Desperately trying to hush one from eyes of public foremost on behalf of Trump/Buckingham palace's, but my psychologist wouldn't let go. 

#4 Yet another librarian with whom I flirted shortly, and is happily married to a very nice gentleman very motivated in helping me out. Did as told by Kaczynski/Trumps team

They all super heavily lobbied along with Sebastian(they had younger individual involved in this case whom Kaczynski used - individual even attempted to depict me to the world as extreme communist what would am certain highly appeal to Kaczynski and Royals which had created probably what will amount to them to about 300/400 billion Euros bill  for the sake of Poland through me due to loosing case - NOW YOU KNOW WHY MY PSYCHOLOGIST WAS RATED AS MENTALLY ILL - if loosing case - if I would manage to prove what already is proven and will be proven even more as facts will continue to play and play) for Royals, but had according to agreement also agreed to come clean about it all(same with car owner who sold one to me - you will see next video coming what they have done if what you have seen wasn't enough).


When ordeal is over, I owe chubby librarian liposuction and to others open house door policy for the rest of our lives(incl. cleaners of which one Zgierzan lady original is specially dear to my heart).

Beautiful ladies in fact.

I was tortured, kept unemployed, beaten up even inside of psychiatric hospitals, and I alone kept silent about what they have done for no less than 24 years - even threatened by psychitraist in Slovenia on how I would found myself inside of psychitraic institution hospitalized for only mentioning word, "MKultra"(she did arraigned pick up which ended in most severe torture make no mistake, but that didn't stop me from going forward with even greater force)....silent because reality was stranger than the strangest fiction from most insane scenario script you have ever seen on TV(twilight zone would rather be my dream compared to nightmare I dealt with and those who designed one were most likely often times used to write scenarios for one).

When commencing to write my self biography in 2007, I knew I have jumped into vertigo which will claim from me at lest 5 years of life under worst possible circumstances...it turn out instead to be 13 years of game with nothing but death....truth, however, is now out thanks to all involved in the case as each have seen oneself enough in it to get game roll(they all used their mental weaknesses against one another to advance trades and mutual cooperation/sociaal engineering/global plan first through laughter/joy when subjecting me to MKultra torture up to mid 2006 and in post period of MKultra same to deepen above mentioned with one another through silence vendetta - post period was reserved to condition each other on mutual cooperation with potential scandal weight of this case if any party would disclose truth about what went on via this very case ; - )

My personal financial claim against mentioned governments in complain(incl. against Russia) will mount to 5% of what Brutto costs related to trade between East/West Europe beginning from 1996 to very today(till case becomes recognized and moneys are paid out) were. 

I am a capitalist who will remain in heart for the sake of those in need also a communist. I told you so and proven here stated time and again.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

There was few young Americans and quite a few of my generation or older who sacrificed for Poland

There is a huge pool of really decent people(good hearted people who love Poland just as is) out there who would give anything to improve situation in the country - incl. myself.

They gave their lives on line for this. Related to https://ausertimes.blogspot.com/2019/12/trumps-art-of-deal-related-to-car-alne.html

I will not forget you. I pray you are all okay. Just hope nothing serious ever happened to any of you.

Trump's art of the deal related to car alone on behalf of Buckingham palace.

Video can be also seen at https://youtu.be/X34Cpy1nG3g

The public image Trump attempted to create about me by total destruction and theft of electronic items is related also to messy car situation. All in all, I wouldn't consider to even sort out properly documents inside of the residence due to severely cold temperatures.

It is was not and still is not unusual in Eastern Europe for some individuals to just explode into physical fights due to stuff related to what you see went on here. No, I wouldn't even consider it - if I would consider such act as well aware as I am about what went on, it would end with extremelly bad outcome for me. As I have explained(also have audio recordings from others which warned me about it), targeted immigrants were deported from Kaczynski's Poland straight to their points of origins(for Belarus disidents or Chechens that meant firm death - for me althrough I no longer fear one, point of origing would be Slovenia and not even Slovakia).

Monday, December 23, 2019

1 of 2 Car modified to drive one insane - destroy ruin financially

Video can be also seen at https://youtu.be/VU7ZdA0YDOo

MKultra torture and 3 months of life inside of the refrigerator - what/how was expected of me to see abuse as according to MKultra

Here is what third location(4th in Poland if I excuse 3 days of life in local forest) was about. Note that I never ever used toilet as toilet, but kept top tied on rope just as was given to me. For everything stated, I have audio recordings to prove facts !!!

Grand genocide plan of Donald Trump, Buckingham palace, Putin, and their Polish host - servant Kaczynski/Duda/ Morawiecki demonstrated.
Video can be also https://youtu.be/TP5AgTjxfwg

Video can be also https://youtu.be/5jIhPu6OEEQ

Borut Pahor I was brainwashed under MKultra suggested was searching for this "Ukrainian" with idea to beat him up...was told that they barely stop him from beating him up...Pahor got in my face and gestured repeatedly "this is why we will f**** them"...

The fact is that Ukrainian government which knew very well for this location would never ever allow Ukrainian individual to bully future Slovenian president. Putin who hired individual along with Buckingham palace/Trump, however, believed abuse would convince me in opposite. Traitor to Ukraine at his best. Not alone in Zgierz/Lodz area.

Poland got itself into bed with worst in this world and it came with price

Everything normal will not approach one any time soon I assume. Consequences for country of just 40 million are severe https://polandin.com/45901599/alimony-debt-in-poland-reaches-eur-271-bln

I am requesting assistance from British agencies in respect to pedophiles from Buckingham palace who as usually case is with this type of element have a stalking habits

Would prefer this morning to concentrate on much needed job search. Instead, this letter was sent to variety of agencies in Britain in hope to restrain them. There was nothing, but several months of rent(expenses for food and other issues) stolen from me for the opurpose of severe physical torture(24/7 directed energy attacks, food poisoning, disturbance, destruction of private property, all done in subzero temperatures while crippled) supported at present location which I can say is a private residence of Buckingham palace. Will issue detailed video on this subject.


Britain is a beautiful country with beautiful people and deserves to be seen as such through eyes of people who preferably would skip unpleasant thoughts about Buckingham palace. I suggest rather than keeping mental patients behind caste walls where contemplating on crimes against society to simply abolish monarchy.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Staying in Polska


Plans change here and then...its life.

DREAMS FOR FA(O)RT TRUMP FINISHED: Coming next for Trump is death penalty trial

Supporter of Trump a classic domestic terrorist. Either a neonazi supporter or corrupt messiah more than willing to sell own people.
Perhaps Ukrainian people let you go, I never ever will.

Skoda Felicia 1999 - now that is one hell of car. Related to https://ausertimes.blogspot.com/2019/12/borut-pahor-drove-my-present-car.html

From what I remember(a fact) was told under MKultra by local employment state office is that

idea of getting me in business was to solely get me off unemployment benefits which one is entitled when searching for work. So we have production of destruction line from A to Z. Will found out tomorrow. 

We have seen this before

This is a family of swines. They eat where they s***.