Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Black South African Regime Hiding The Photo and/or Racial Identity of The Assassin Who Have Had The Habit of Stabbing White Victims...His Latest Victim Was a White Hawks' Police Officer Petrus Holz...

Just unbelievable, but factual for South Africa...black South African government refuses to release in this very case, a assassin's photo or(and) to declare assassin's race...was/is assassin a black terrorist !!? I would say so !!! I am 99% positive about it(whites just don't lay bricks over the roads and do stuff like this) !!! However, we may or we may never ever find out for sure since this is the country where over 55 people are killed on average per day by black terrorists and where criminally insane South African government as well as its “free press” still continue (despite previously mentioned facts) to deliberately decline disclosing victims' racial identities or even their names due to fear that whites would revolt against black tyranny !!! Simple as that.... 


'Bricks forced slain cop to stop on N2'

Cape Town - Slain Hawks police officer Petrus Holz was forced to stop on the N2 "hell run" - the most feared stretch of the national highway in Cape Town where many people have lost their lives - after bricks and stones placed in his path damaged his tyres.

Minutes later he was dead.

This emerged in documents before the Western Cape High Court where the man accused of stabbing him to death, Adrian Hendricks, is expected to be tried.

Hendricks made a brief appearance on Monday when a trial date for next month was set.

Documents before the court reveal details of the case against him.

The State says Hendricks found his first alleged victim on the N2 "hell run" on July 17, last year - 12 days before Holz was killed - using the same modus operandi.

He allegedly packed bricks and stones across the road. Not long afterwards, Jacques Loots, Marion du Toit and Jeanne Antonia de Kock approached, driving a VW Polo in the direction of Cape Town. After they hit a brick and one of the tyres was damaged, Loots was forced to stop the vehicle and get out.

The accused attacked him and stabbed him.

Loots managed to fight him off, but not before Hendricks made off with his Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

He survived the attack and recovered from his injuries.

Holz, however, was not as fortunate. He too was forced to bring his vehicle to a standstill when he hit bricks and stones along the highway that damaged both tyres on the left-hand side of the vehicle.

Hendricks allegedly stabbed him in his thigh and fled with his cellphone and a GPS navigation system. Holz died of his injuries at the scene.

The State alleges his blood was found on clothing belonging to the accused.

Hendricks has been charged with two counts of malicious damage to property, two counts of aggravated robbery and one count of murder.

Holz, a father of two, joined the police force in 1992 and, at the time of his death was attached to the Hawks' Commercial Crime Unit.

He was on his way to his office in Bellville when the attack occurred.

The N2 "hell run" is situated between Somerset West and Khayelitsha and is a known crime hotspot. The number of incidents on the road prompted Community Safety MEC Dan Plato to call a meeting between police and City of Cape Town officials.

Hendricks's trial starts on September 5.




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