Friday, March 9, 2018

Chinese Students in America Say ‘Not My President’

What the difference is between Chinese students and others worldwide - they know where the money that opened them doors at
local universities or foreign colleges came from...they remember who people are in daily life when those rush down the street...early in the mornings and back home late at nights...6 even 7 times a week...12 hours a day of top performance for Dollar and hour...they know...they remember...

And as they remember so far from home, they aren't afraid to stand for freedom of their countrymen even that it could be fatal...just think in what situation I am...just think what this world is made off(Trumps/ Buckinghams/ Merkels/Berlusconis/ Macrons/ Netanyahus/ Putans/ Xi Jinpings and pigs of all kinds)...courageous you are Chinese students. I salute you real China with all my heart. 

Psychiatrist Bandy X. Lee totally forgiven(I was angry about your approach which was wrong and without real proper justification against me, but at least you are loyal to your principles and I must say you have them - hope you manage to stay safe there - its a huge/dangerous task to be in US and expose yourself as Bandy does not only to provincial extremists, but also to American deep state)...

Can you say the same !!????

In Slovenia(anywhere in Europe), nobody ever was socialist they said...stipends/funds is where money was secured from...go there and apply thats US, students have to sign for military services and/or huge debts to attend universities($40/ 50/ 60.000USD or even more)... you get the point !!???? Nobody owes nothing to anyone, but we also live like dogs and not human beings...when released from colleges/universities, life turns into race for money which leads for the most of the people age 40, the system already worns out most of the population in US...people experience serious problems due to employment is 50, many many endup under the bridges on drugs and so on(cardiac failure are frequent phenomena - cancers etc.)...if you made it to 60, its tough(for most of the people) and your bank accounts are still went through two/three divorces and have faced at least 3/4 foreclosures/bancruptcies by now because croock capitalist murderous American system is designed to DESTROY human being(not preserve, but instead destroy just as entire culture is consumer based culture - eveything is designed to last certain ammount of time and not more, so new and more can be bought) ...compel one to start from begining time and again, so exploiuted being can perform at his/her best for the system(private companies are just camuflage for the government corporations due to liabilities - violations of so called laws etc.). If you really manage to get somehow old, trailers or other miserable housing is awaiting on you..perhaps homes for elderly where  I will rather not go in details on how etc....allwyas beautiful on outside(the first impression is the most important one is what they say in US) and totally different on the inside is also the story about the United States of America...its an illusion...lie..deception based on total exploitation = USA !!!

Not so in China and some parts of Europe, but its getting bad and its why I salute students as written about in this article....



Chinese Students in America Say ‘Not My President’

The first posters appeared on a bulletin board at University of California, San Diego on March 1.

Two days later, they popped up at Columbia University and New York University. Now they’ve spread to nine more colleges across the United States, Canada, Australia, and United Kingdom.

The twin posters — one in Chinese, one in English — read, “Not my president,” the words superimposed over a photo of Chinese President Xi Jinping.

The signs are part of a small but growing campaign among Chinese university students abroad to express their opposition to the Chinese Communist Party’s proposal, announced last week, to scrap presidential term limits, paving the way for Xi to stay in power indefinitely.

“The single most important driving force behind China’s growth in the past 30 years has been the check on the party leader’s power on the institutional level,” the organizers, told Foreign Policy in a message, after being contacted initially through a Twitter account associated with the campaign.

The organizers, who say they come from mainland China but live in Western countries, requested anonymity, citing concerns about retaliation from the Chinese government.

“It’s definitely not our wish that an unelected strongman become a de facto lifetime dictator,” they wrote in a message.

It’s a rare show of direct resistance. Even far away from home, Chinese students are reluctant to criticize their government publicly, fearing that their words will make it back to party officials in China, dampening their job prospects back home or even risking their safety.

Since he assumed office in late 2012, Xi has consolidated power through sweeping anti-corruption campaigns that have felled rivals, establishing himself as the most powerful Chinese leader since Mao Zedong. Rumors have swirled for more than a year that Xi might attempt to stay in power longer than the two five-year terms that recent Chinese presidents have served. In that way, last week’s proposal, virtually guaranteed to pass into law later this month, wasn’t a surprise.

Even so, many Chinese took the move as a betrayal that harkens back to Mao’s legacy. The late party secretary, who led China from 1949 to 1976, crushed opposition and vilified criticism to such an extent that few dared speak out when he adopted catastrophic economic and social policies that thrust the country into decades of chaos, famine, and deadly social conflict. After Mao’s death, the party adopted a model of collective leadership designed to prevent any one man from holding too much power, essentially promising the Chinese people that such a disaster would never happen again.

The party’s move to dismantle the tradition of collective leadership feels to many like a slap in the face. It has mobilized many Chinese, even those who usually avoid politics, to speak out on social media and, in some cases, to even publicly state their lack of consent. The slogan “I disagree” appeared widely on Chinese social media platform Weibo before the phrase was blocked, along with many other similar posts, by the government’s internet censors.

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