Sunday, July 22, 2018

Borut Pahor has also personal criminal employed at the local postal office(main distribution center for Novo mesto region) and neighbor Dane Kolenc is the one who played/plays with fruit poisoning

Exact chemical used to boost high pressure was most likely also chlorine.
I remember very very well neighbor Dane Kolenc(with his son Matjaž) one evening going out to the Krka bridge and use exactly what you see bellow to poison greengage fruits and apples. It was when Dr. Bornstein(we were returning from Otočec recreational area) warned me about danger, but I really didn't care about it all...intelligent Dr. Bornstein insisted to tell him what color sprayer was to make me remember incident and to suggest me to not eat fruits along the road.

Dane Kolenc bragged about doing same also to other trees. Laughed and tried to appear as insane(sadistic and just as instructed by Americans - idea is to imprint into victim's mind scenes that likely would produce anger in the future when reminded of them - same tactics have used niece's husband Mitja Veber) as much as possible.
Was there only chlorine that was used(water levels of one even inside the house are questionable and neighbor Dane Kolenc ensured again that water meter which I have bough wouldn't function - again was opened before one got into my hands and all is video recorded), I do not know but chlorine does boost high and exactly as suggested under MKULTRA by British girl, I realized that upon taking bath one exploded(I cook water now to reduce level of one, but am depended on shower due to financial situation)

Russians also played with deodorants as far as I can remember and for that purpose I have substituted them with simple water mixture of sodium bicarbonate. These idiots are up to nooooo good.

They gestured on use of directed energy weapons and what you read here(combination of the two).

Dane Kolenc appeared with sprayer right after rain(its when we met him sometimes in 2005/2006) and as it rained for the past few days, it triggered my memory on whom I am dealing with. I can very well describe this for what color sprayer was I can't tell because they brainwashed(confused) me on issue latter on with laptop - everything someone have told me about(gave me good advice) they would follow up on and cluster picture in their direction. No private second ever...we were monitored 24/7.

I was told under MKULTRA that it will be too late if I go to local postal office and ask to talk with Klobučar(instructed on how I should recognize him same moment as he steps infront of me and if not my claim against him wouldn't be valid  - well, I recognized his name which local postal employee have given me in fraction of the second and can tell that individual was present along with what is still Novo mesto's police chief Janez Ogulin and Dane Kolenc)

Over $1000 in material damages is what Novo mesto's postal office(SLOVENIAN STATE) have produced to me - nothing to laugh about.

Related to

@ Dr. Bornstein...color of sprayer was most likely orange or blue..just saying.

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