Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Kaczynski anticipated for 15 months will create out of me exactly as seen bellow - in Polish "zrywami"

składubezładniebojowochaotyczniecholeryczniechorobliwieczupurniedrażliwieemocjonalniefanatyczniegniewniegorącogorączkowogwałtowniehisterycznieimpulsywniekrewkokłótliwiena chybcikanadpobudliwienaprędcenerwowoniecierpliwieniepohamowanieniepowściągliwienieprzytomnienieskładnieniespokojnieniestarannieniesystematycznieobsesyjnieobłędnieogniściepanicznieparanoiczniepiorunującopo wariackupopędliwieporywczopośpiesznieprędkopędemszaleńczoszybkow podnieceniuw pośpiechuw przelociewybuchowowścieklez gniewemz niecierpliwościąz rozdrażnieniemza wszelką cenęzaczepniezadziorniezajadlezapalczywiezapamiętaleze zdenerwowaniemze zniecierpliwieniemze złościązrywami


aggressively, allergically, without a head, without a plan, without order, without order and composition, disorderly, militant, chaotic, damn it, sickly, dumb, irritably, emotionally, fanatically, angrily, hot, feverishly, violently, hysterical, impulsive, relatives, quarrelsome, out of time, hyperactively, hastily, nervously, impatiently, irresistibly, uncontrollably, unconsciously, incoherently, restlessly, carelessly, unsystematically, obsessively, insanely, fiery, panic, paranoid, thundering, hurriedly, hurriedly, quickly rush, madly, quickly, excitedly, in a hurry, in passing, explosively, furiously, with anger, impatience, irritability, at all costs, offensive, feisty, fierce, eager, passionate, nervous, impatient, angry , spurts

Above is what beating for which I was told in case would advocate Jews will look like...

Witch news(Polish children beating Jewish witch news released earlier this year and no longer is visible on internet here in Poland at least not) was also part of Kaczynski's agenda withing which Kaczynski believed I will see myself "if"...

Kaczynski branded Netanyahu's niece as well as mentioned girl in which I have expressed interest as witches - suggested will involve WHITE females upon my arrival to Poland for me not to fall in trap...and in case I would fall in trap, I will feel beaten up just as you see here - brainwashed into hatred kids have done same to so called Jewish witch. 
While "Jewish witch" news disappeared from internet, news concerning Judas is still available...

Vote according to your conscious Polska or you will have PIS vote for you...

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