Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Have American nation(melting pot) finally reached all high temperature and is ready to explode(blow self and us up because they have nothing to live for) !!???

Ohhhh mamma, normal this man(who is embraced by only one other lunatic - Netanyahu) is not and nor are his supporters who have obviously nothing to live for(this is what American radicalism - insane life styles of people) have produced...
Lunatic obviously doesn't understand his words, "totally destroy North Korea"(meaning use of nukes which will obviously produce counter attacks with the use of nukes - no guns guys...nukes only and that means that your memories on wives/husbands/kinds/parents etc. will be deleted from the face of the earth in minutes - maybe even less). I cite mad(angry/frustrated) loony, "thats what Uneyted Nations is all about"(not "United Nations" and "for", but Uneyted and about)...."lets see how they do"(lets see how you idiot and those who support you die with you and unfortunately all of us)...


"America first" is a key word for annihilation of America...yes, folks...exploding 10 seconds twitter boy suggests "should place your countries first" but forgets that nothing in that part of the world is American or belongs to America...even colonized(stolen) Guam is 3500 kilometers far from North Korea and continental US almost 9000 kilometres...I don't know how to avoid saying something that will have negative impact on me in the future and what at the same time could save world, so I will say to you directly, "you/we will die like a dogs Americans...you/we will be mass slaughtered like chickens in chicken factory...much much much worse actually - not even skin will peel of your/our bodies due to radiation because you/we will be incinerated instantly"...

Question for Melania, "does your 10 seconds man have any suicidal thoughts" !!????? He is a radical lunatic(no doubt on my mind and we humans mean to him nothing - I and his workers are 100% proof of this very statement), who would even dippen bullets in pig's blood(here) before shooting enemies, but is there something more that we don't know - in case we need to know more before it gets too late(hope is not already too late because he shouldn't have been president on the first place). Trump then repeats great American lies on "sovereignty of the nations" and video auto plays French ZIOFASCIST clown Macron on what is and is not negotiable in respect to Paris agreement...previously mentioned "sovereignty of the nations" that are not kin to American occupation is just not negotiable and Paris agreement doesn't apply lets say to "friendly" Israel lets say...

I don't have any answers to this one other than what is video right below...its nothing else than even more lunacy - extremism that comes out of this delusional suicidal ZIOFASCIST lunatic Donald J. Kushner Trump.

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