Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Found this video online today and it was exactly how my nights used to look like till 2010 when I finally arrived back to Europe and have begun to lock myself...."it is time for you to go back in Europe because if you stay here in US, you will end-up on wheelchair very very soon"...

No, I am not crazy - its called "Nocturnal Seizures"(only occur during sleep)....

The cells in your brain communicate to your muscles, nerves, and other areas of your brain via electrical signals. Sometimes, these signals go haywire, sending too many or too few messages. When that happens, the result is a seizure. If you have two or more seizures at least 24 hours apart, and they weren’t caused by a medical condition, you may have epilepsy....

2:10 second is exactly how it stared not only in my sleep and then as if I was plugged on 220 Volts...it would go at times for perhaps even 60 seconds(I estimate and even more - 2/3 minutes)...

During day time, minute 2:10(to minute 2:25 when dogs fell down was exactly the same, but I would gain conscience back in second - I would never pass out entirely) would happen quite often(more and more often) and they looked at me(my ex wife and others) all terrorized - but still acted as if everything was normal(well trained assassins is all I can say - congratulations John McCain - CAN YOU IMAGINE THAT THIS VERY ASSASSIN IS ACTING AS IF HE SUFFERS FROM BRAIN CANCER TODAY !!????? You have no f**** idea what I want to do with you McCain and you Trump and Kushner and the rest of the scum...when I say and I do mean that I don't want money despite my having nothing, but you instead am sure you understand my feelings about you...am sure you do !!! Bush/Clinton/Merkel/Schwarzenegger and other neo nazi beasts !!????)....eventually in 2006, they told me in the face I cite, "it is time for you to go back in Europe because if you stay here in US, you will end-up on wheelchair very very soon"(they had me on brink of becoming permanent epileptic folks - a little more in Miami and I would become certainly permanently disabled probably already in 2007 - 36 years old - going from 1500 push-ups per day/daily marathons in 1995 to totally disabled epileptic in what would be 2007..."beautiful you are your stars shine so bright...land of the brave and free")....

Funny thing regarding "Nocturnal Seizures" is that I would hear growls and it felt as if is happening to someone else, but it was I that have jerking entire bed(my teeth would jerk as well and sometimes unbearable pain in my back that would twist my spine - sure looked like as if I will be crippled for life - no work age - no years of service for retirement and no right to work or the right to unemployment assistance or even the right to visit physician - they have used medical profession alone to terrorize me with hospitalization, so I wouldn't even dare to acquire one - you get just what I have gone through to deliver you what you read here !!???? This is what United States of America and Germany are !!!)...I was horrified when I realized what was happening with me, but there was nothing I could possibly do...

Brain electroshocking(ECT), and even ZIP(injections)...years of MKULTRA(probably 1/4 of my time in US). Germans(NEO NAZI SOCIAL ENGINEERS TOGETHER WITH AMERICANS LAUGHED IN MY FACE IN MIAMI AT FLORIDA STATE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY) - didn't mind to explain to me at all how is all done(IN THE FACE)...how jobs are related to work injuries(wear of body) due to length of employment and how all can and will be done to me thanks to statistics - eventually did happen after I was compelled even into over the road truck driving(so called training that required from me to stay from home for two months at the time with Pakistani driver Murtaza Mandviwala of Stevens Transport - they got me out of the truck and straight on the operation table and back in for some more driving - I understand today why I wasn't allowed to drive at all during entire two months of "training")...
Pain was developed within days in the truck and have followed afterwards for years(still is present if I would do anything physically - it was a huge difficulty when I started with computer work). This type of injury one would suffer if exposed to this type of work for probably 20 years or so...exactly as predicted by German social engineer(German neo-Nazi bully authorized to perform butcheries on John McCain's behalf in US against US citizens). Bye the way, this terrorist that you see here wasn't even citizen when he got involved in abduction against me on behalf of US government via Stevens Transport. AMERICAN OVER THE ROAD TRUCKING IS USED TO LITERATELY CRIPPLE(kill) PEOPLE(no, no job was available for me locally or anywhere closer). MKULTRA AND OTHER TORTURE NOT ENOUGH - THEY LITERATELY CRIPPLE PEOPLE AND THEN SEND THEM BACK TO EUROPE - THE AMERICAN WAY...US is nothing else than a sick(sadistic) joke that shouldn't exist on the first place because one is a threat to the world !!! THIS IS A NAZI TERRORIST STATE(US declines to except responsibilities for crimes as described here even after butchered victim totally exposes what was done to one and by whom for entire 10 years - they instead harbor criminals who perform as seen here...they go out and campaign for criminals instead - lough to victim who alone is US  citizen in the face)  !!! 

J.H. with John McCain and other to me, "what is he going to suffer from when he gets not much older...you said Alzheimer, Parkinsons etc etc.."...<== I loughed at their ideas...it seemed to me surreal/insane, but this people aren't people...they are insane..they are NEO NAZIS !!! My life meant nothing to them...I was just a number !!! Not first and not last !!!
Place individual almost on wheelchair and ask him aftewards this very question :))))...nice man...nice ;) Exterminator/terminator !!??? I wouldn't want to be in your skin "sir".
How did I stayed alive !!???? I fulled them big time and avoided quite several assassinations(this are always coincidences which in one case have had even ambulance vehicle waiting on me in next curve - have barely avoided fatality due to professional driving skills)...in 2007/2008 I started to train brain and have developed my own technologies that not only can cure brain(rebuild burned brain cells), but also give individual ability to totally excel(imagine to have ability to memorize 500 words in a single day - I did - it slowly started to get back to me what they have done with me....when bullied under MKLUTRA, it looks like a joke at first...they bully you if you will be able to remember what you were told and sure any child could, but they use ECT as well as other methods and erase from your brain everything they have challenged you with under criminal circumstances...abuse intensifies...your life becomes different...you even get occasionally to smell your burned brain sensation...they kill you and lough straight in you face !!! You are told that you will be in psychiatry before you know if you ever dare to even open your mouths about MKULTRA...stalking/mobbing becomes part of your life along with other terror)...

They say that about 3 million Americans have epilepsy and mostly get one after 55...I wonder not why !!!


Dog is long gone, but am here and so is my witnesses who brought me to this world !!! Related to http://ausertimes.blogspot.si/2017/09/same-company-sandoz-novartis-which-have.html

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