Monday, October 16, 2017

“How about Muslim holidays in Germany?” says Thomas de Maiziere who changed his mind about placing them in gas chambers / What about Electroshocks(liquefying/burning human brain to the point when victim is placed on wheelchair due to seizures) and MKULTRA torture conducted on Slavic people !!????

German NEONAZI interior minister, Thomas de Maiziere is fantasizing about "Muslim' holidays"...

German NEONAZIS love to fantasize about illusion in which world would believe in, but everything is more than just obvious on what Germany was/is...

Gestures about Muslim holidays are for naive idiots - those willing to believe in NAZI fairy tails and not reality with which world was faced time and again(not only Germans can't offer anything to the world, but they can't even pay for the damages which they have caused time and again to the world - talking about holidays for Muslims is their way of undermining very fibers of human sanity)...

My question to Thomas de Maiziere is, "when are you going to pay me for ruining my life and where are you going to get the money from to pay for it all" !!???? 


“How about Muslim holidays in Germany?” asks one of Merkel’s ministers

BERLIN — Germany’s interior minister, Thomas de Maiziere, faced a backlash by his own party over the weekend after he proposed officially recognizing Muslim holidays in parts of the country. About 4.5 million of Germany’s 80 million people are Muslims, and some regions have already introduced bank holidays linked to religion, though most of the nine official bank holidays have Christian origins.

De Maiziere’s remarks suggested that Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government, which currently still consists of a “grand coalition” with the Social Democrats but likely to change soon, may be open to expanding the number of those religious holidays. “In places where there are many Muslims, why can’t we think about introducing a Muslim public holiday?” de Maiziere suggested.

The conservative minister was speaking at a campaign event for Merkel's Christian Democratic Union (CDU) in Lower Saxony where regional elections took place on Sunday — and the backlash was immediate. First of all, Germany’s 16 regions are responsible for regulating their own holidays, which raised questions whether the national government’s even has a say on the issue.

The CDU chairman in the region of Lower Saxony, Bernd Althusmann, swiftly rejected de Maiziere's proposals, likely due to fears of a negative impact on Sunday’s election outcome.

“In general, I think that discussions about religious holidays are inappropriate during election campaigns,” he said. “Holidays have a long tradition in Germany. I don’t see a need to make changes to those established structures,” he said.

In last month’s nation elections, the CDU already lost many voters to the right wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, raising concerns within the party that Chancellor Merkel may have moved it too far to the left and away from its conservative core support base. As it turned out, the CDU lost Sunday’s regional election, which could further weaken Merkel. It will likely strengthen her more right-wing critics who demand a return to traditional CDU positions, and a more skeptical stance on immigration.

Some German conservatives fear that proposals like de Maiziere’s may tear the party apart by moving it more to the left — but not enough to convince left-wing voters to cast their ballots in the party's favor — while alienating right-wing conservative voters further.

Merkel’s inner-party challengers point to Sunday’s election results in Austria as possible evidence that a turn to the right could benefit the CDU.

In Austria, the center-right People’s Party won Sunday’s election after mainly coopting the far-right’s policy proposals and repackaging them for mainstream voters. Following an election campaign which was almost completely dominated by immigration issues, the center-right party, led by Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz, could now form a coalition with the far-right Freedom Party. Such a right-wing government would position Austria as a natural partner of other European countries which have recently undergone a similar shift, such as Poland or Denmark.

Whether or not a shift to the right would benefit Merkel’s party also remains uncertain, though. The far-right AfD barely made it into Lower Saxony’s parliament on Sunday, gaining about 5 percent of the votes. Instead of supporting the far-right, voters opted for the Social Democrats which are positioned further to the left than the CDU but have similarly struggled to reach a consensus on immigration policies.

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