Thursday, May 3, 2018

Those who condemn it, but are using one against me will not see me negotiating with them

You are going to pay 10 times os what this case would be handled via court(at least worth 200 million EUROS...say a word and will be British pounds), or we will handle one via court or you may never ever pay a dime(in that case, you will be seen as the worst murderes in the history of the human kind + never again will you scum again lie to the people)...any of the three options is fine with me because my life isn't gonna change much either way :)))) If I get paid via courts(this is worse case scenario), I get less but am independent(and most important free from you)...

Price tag for settling this case on the side is two billion EUROS. If you don't have it, don't come anyhere even near here.

I have compared case to other cases which violations weren't anywhere even near as severe...I didn't want to do anything with these people or with lifestyle that numerous wortless(freeloaders and not entrepreneurs) billionaires enjoy on the first getting in some forms of deals that would turn already ruined life into almost month to month dependence millionaire would be a stupidty...

This is NONEGOTIABLE OFFER(one doesn't make me happy even a bit to make myself clear). As for what you have done to me, you should in reality place my name on American federal reserve ownership certificate(you brutally violated everything written in US consitution and international laws and have even used my US citizenship to engage in genocide against me)....

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