Monday, June 4, 2018

WILL REDUCE "THREE STORIES" INTO THREE SENTENCES: Two stories that show the devastating impact on freedom of the press in the Russia-Ukraine conflict

Sentence #1 Oleg Sentsov(UKRAINIAN WHO STAYED IN OCCUPIED BY RUSSIA UKRAINE) who Kremlin is equaling with Kirill Vyshinsky is just an pro Ukrainian filmmaker.

Sentence #2 Kirill Vyshinsky(ON THE RIGHT SIDE), the head of RIA Novosti-Ukraine, actually is a Kremlin's terrorist who actively supports terrorism and war against Ukrainian people by pretending to be something he was not and contributing to oil on fire even with 

Kirill Vyshinsky would receive 100,000 euros ($120,000) monthly from Russia for his pro-Moscow "propaganda materials" supporting Russia-backed ISIS(much worse than AL-Qaeda) in Ukraine's east(this aren't any separatists - this are red coated members of gestapo = members of ISIS is what they are as Moscow equals to ISIS today - Moscow supports and funds terrorism against foreign journalists - hijacks and life threaten American and foreign citizens as case was with myself and is engaging in division of Slavic brotherhood via wars).
Sentence #3 and most problematic(its how Vojislav Seselj was even released from Hague) SOME ANIMALS A BIT MORE(enough to exterminate others) EQUAL THAT OTHERS AND WHY ITS TIME TO KICK GERMANY AND AUSTRIA OUT OF EUROPEAN UNION !!! Angela Merkel interested in assisting pro Kremlin's ISIS in war against Ukrainian people(or Polish or other Eastern Slavic), but not a single word of concern is dedicated to us - Germany in fact blocks our pleas for help in European Court for Human  Rights, so Belgrade/Moscow can do dirty jobs as pleased. Its why Germany is NON European hateful racist neonazi state no different from the one in WWII.

Hijacked and wrongfully accused(labeled) Ukrainian from Crimea Oleg Sentsov is serving in Russia a 20 year sentence on bogus terrorism while a real terrorist and grand treasoner by all definitions Kirill Vyshinsky 17 years in Ukraine....

Two stories that show the devastating impact on freedom of the press in the Russia-Ukraine conflict

Behind this political conflict, played out on the world stage, we can see the parallels between the lives of two ordinary, yet extraordinary, people, one from either side of the barricades

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine threw thousands of people out of their traditional lives, but it also put those who sought to report on the conflict in serious jeopardy.

Behind this political conflict, played out on the world stage, we can see the parallels between the lives of two ordinary, yet extraordinary, people, one from either side of the barricades. Each one is in prison today for exercising his freedom of speech, for expressing his views of the events in his country, for doing his best to hold those in power to account.

In recent weeks, the name Oleg Sentsov has been everyone’s news opportunity as a symbol of political repression in today’s Russia. The filmmaker, who is serving a 20 year sentence on bogus terrorism charges after a trial described by Human Rights Watch as “a political show trial,” recently announced that he would be engaging in a hunger strike in prison to demand the release of 64 Ukrainian political prisoners currently being held in Russia and Crimea. As he told his lawyer, if he died while the FIFA Football World Cup was being held in Russia, it would help bring the attention of the world to the injustices being perpetrated there.

We now hear reports from Ukraine featuring Kirill Vyshinsky, the head of RIA Novosti-Ukraine. Vyshnsky is currently detained in Kiev, arrested two months ago on charges of treason, charges he vehemently denies. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs dubbed Ukrainian authorities’ actions as “unacceptable”; the Russian Embassy in Kiev sending a note of protest to Ukraine’s Foreign Office; the OSCE expressed its concern. Just what we saw happening in Sentsov’s case. Just what we saw having no effect in Sentsov’s case.

Sentsov got 20 years in a labor camp, Vyshinsky is threatened with a 17-year sentence.

Journalists, writers and documentary filmmakers perform a vital task in society. Without them we, the people, would never know what our leaders do supposedly in our name. The need for freedom of the press to carry out this essential function is recognised around the world, and yet those who are at the front lines often seem to be putting their lives and their families at risk.

The press has been experiencing immense pressure lately when covering opinions that do not match the official state views, and it seems that neither public organisations nor any foundations are capable of protecting the journalists’ free speech in the most authoritarian countries.

Unfortunately, it is not going to happen any time soon that these countries will create the same conditions for the press that the journalists in the European Union and America have come to enjoy. And for as long as that is the case, brave people like Sentsov and Vyshinsky will continue having to put their lives and their safety at risk if the powerful are ever to be held to account.

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