Wednesday, July 11, 2018

NOTHING NEW: American traitor Donald Trump claims that Merkel is in bed with Russia - and it is, but you are too Trump(along with George W. Bush who even purchased still/aluminum industry in Russia with other GOPs)

It is time for IRS to look into real income of American wealthy who are hiding their investments overseas - away from eyes of American public and IRS. Vladimir Putin alone(personally) told me whom he allows to invest in Russia...Putin explained me why he convinced Russian Duma to allow George Bush and few others who have stolen military(from US military) secrets and other technology to invest in Russian mineral/steel industry.
Trump's scenario was very simple...stair s**** via trade wars and racism issues to become unpopular(at home and abroad) and this way redirect attention from international crises in Ukraine(where war is about to break out) and then(once unpopular) state what is already totally evident(how Berlin supports and is financing wars across the Eastern Europe via Russian oil).

My question to Trump is where is military assistance for Ukraine and Poland that is so much needed(actions talk, b*** s*** walks Trump)...Germany controls USA to the point that one prohibits sales of American weaponry to Ukraine is where assistance is.

Ukraine is about twice as big as Germany and way more important for democracies than neonazi Germany(will always remain same old same - a real threat to the Europe and world) and same is with Poland...its easy to be economic engine of the Europe when America supplies you exclusively(nobody else has access) with newest American technology and provides for you even free military budged as US did for Germany with their bases.

We want to see actions and not sale of Javelins for not even 50 million USD and pointing finger at one another during civil war which goes on in Ukraine because Ukraine is stripped of any kind of self defense weaponry.

BRUSSELS (AP) — President Donald Trump barreled into a NATO summit Wednesday with claims that a pipeline deal has left Germany "totally controlled" and "captive to Russia" as he lobbed fresh complaints about allies' "delinquent" defense spending at the opening of what was expected to be a fraught two-day meeting.

Trump, in a testy exchange with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, took issue with the U.S. protecting Germany as it strikes deals with Russia.

"I have to say, I think it's very sad when Germany makes a massive oil and gas deal with Russia where we're supposed to be guarding against Russia," Trump said at a breakfast with Stoltenberg. "We're supposed to protect you against Russia but they're paying billions of dollars to Russia and I think that's very inappropriate."

Trump repeatedly described Germany as "captive to Russia" and urged NATO to look into the issue.

Drawing on her own background, German Chancellor Angela Merkel pushed back sharply, insisting that Germany makes its own decisions.

"I've experienced myself a part of Germany controlled by the Soviet Union and I'm very happy today that we are united in freedom as the Federal Republic of Germany and can thus say that we can determine our own policies and make our own decisions and that's very good," she said.

The president appeared to be referring to the Nord Stream 2 pipeline that would bring gas from Russia to Germany's northeastern Baltic coast, bypassing Eastern European nations like Poland and Ukraine and doubling the amount of gas Russia can send directly to Germany. The vast undersea pipeline is opposed by the U.S. and some other EU members, who warn it could give Moscow greater leverage over Western Europe.

In their back-and-forth, Stoltenberg stressed to Trump that NATO members have been able to work together despite their differences. "I think that two world wars and the Cold War taught us that we are stronger together than apart," he told the president, trying to calm tensions.

Trump's pipeline criticism was an unusual line of attack for a president who has appeared eager to improve relations with Putin and dismissed the U.S. intelligence community's assessment that Russia tried to undermine Western democracy by meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election to help Trump win.

Back in the U.S., Democratic leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer issued a joint statement describing Trump's "brazen insults and denigration of one of America's most steadfast allies, Germany," as "an embarrassment."

"His behavior this morning is another profoundly disturbing signal that the president is more loyal to President Putin than to our NATO allies," they wrote.

Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch also took issue with Trump, saying "I don't agree with that. Germans wouldn't agree with that. They are a very strong people."

Sen. Angus King, I-Maine, told CNN that Trump's complaining about NATO was "like turning a family squabble into divorce proceedings." He said the pipeline arrangement goes back to 2002 "when everybody viewed Russia in a benign way."

"Now is not the time" to be alienating allies, he said.

But Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Arkansas, a strong supporter of the president, said the pipeline issue strikes at the "heart of NATO unity."

"The pipeline gets cheap Russian gas to Germany while bypassing smaller Eastern European nations, allowing Russia to pressure them while Germany is held harmless," he tweeted, adding: "No amount of preening in Berlin will cover this nakedly selfish policy."

Despite Trump's claims about Germany, Merkel served as a forceful advocate for imposing — and maintaining — sanctions on Russia after it annexed Crimea in 2014, arguing that it violated the principles of the international order established after World War II. The president is also not the first leader to point to the impact of Nord Stream 2 on Europe, echoing complaints from Eastern European allies who note it would cut out transit countries such as Poland and Ukraine.

Trump and Merkel met later Wednesday on the sidelines of the summit and kept their remarks polite during a photo opportunity with the press.

Trump told reporters during brief remarks at the end of the meeting that the two had a "very, very good relationship" and congratulated Merkel on her "tremendous success." Asked if they had discussed the pipeline, he said, "Yes," but declined to elaborate.

Merkel, for her part, called the two nations "good partners" and said "we wish to continue to cooperate in the future."

Trump then met with French President Emmanuel Macron, who said he disagreed with Trump's pipeline assessment.

Trump's dramatic exchange with Stoltenberg set the tone for what was already expected to be a tense day of meetings with leaders of the military alliance as Trump presses jittery NATO allies about their military spending.

"The United States is paying far too much and other countries are not paying enough, especially some. So we're going to have a meeting on that

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