Friday, July 13, 2018

To have brain in Russia is a privilege(YOU WILL GO TO GULAG SAYS NKVD COMMISSARIAT) - Russia sues doctor on extremism charges for "like" on social media Read more on UNIAN:

Perfect Russian citizen is either brain-dead like a fish or has doctoral degree with 1/4 kg of brain implants under his roof. 

Situation in Russia seems to have totally ran out of control.

Sukovaty insists the image was originally shared by a citizen of Ukraine.

A criminal case was opened in Russia's Khabarovsk Krai against a doctor under Article 282 of the Criminal Code (extremism) for a "like" under a post on the Russian Odnoklassniki social media to condemn Russia's participation in the war in Ukraine's Donbas. 

The case was opened a year after the image had been uploaded onto the social network, a Khabarovsk local edition, Khabarovsky Krai Segodnya, has said. 

Lawyer of the doctor Konstantin Sukovaty said the post condemned the participation of Russians in the war in Ukraine.

Sukovaty said the Investigative Committee suspects his client of spreading extremist materials by "posting on the social media the images containing statements aimed at humiliating the dignity of a group of people of Russian nationality."

"We have provided the court with evidence that it is impossible to post an image in the news feed of the social network without uploading a photo to the profile. My client just accidentally 'liked' this post. And we have also provided information about the real person who published the image, but he is not currently prosecuted," the lawyer said.

Sukovaty insists the image was originally shared by a citizen of Ukraine.

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