Monday, January 7, 2019

BUSTED KGB CRIMINAL IN THE WHITE HOUSE may declare a national emergency' to mislead on Russian espionage issues(not to build the wall as liars suggest, but to use the wall as the way to avoid impeachment) !!!

Wall is at this point a pretext only...the real reason can be seen at

@KGB Criminal in the white house....
Tell us criminal....why !!?????

Why Isn’t Trump Talking About the American Jailed in Russia?

President Donald Trump has made a point of trying to get Americans detained abroad returned home to the United States. But with the detention of the former Marine Paul Whelan in Moscow on suspicion of espionage, Trump’s goal of bringing Americans home risks running headfirst into the perception that he will do almost anything to improve relations with Russia.

And strikingly, in the week since Whelan’s detention, neither Trump nor the White House has issued a statement about his arrest and subsequent indictment on espionage charges in Russia.

Former intelligence officials are skeptical that Whelan was in fact spying on behalf of the United States. His lack of diplomatic protection and checkered service record do not line up with American spycraft in Russia, where U.S. intelligence officers are accustomed to taking significant security precautions against that country’s vaunted intelligence apparatus.

But that hasn’t stopped Russian officials from arresting Whelan to use as a likely bargaining chip for a Russian national, Maria Butina, recently prosecuted in the United States for her role in infiltrating U.S. political organizations. A Russian lawyer for Whelan has publicly raised the possibility of a prisoner swap, likely for Butina.

So for now, Whelan remains detained in Moscow’s infamous Lefortovo Prison, where spies and dissidents were often imprisoned in Soviet days.

If the Kremlin is playing to Trump’s instincts as a deal-maker and hoping to engineer a swap, it has been slow to develop.

Daniel Fried, who served as the assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs under George W. Bush, said the silence from the White House was not necessarily indicative of a lack of concern and that there may be dialogue ongoing behind the scenes.

During his first two years in office, Trump has gone to great lengths to secure the release of Americans detained abroad and claims to have had 17 people released under his administration. The president has frequently tied the release of Americans to his diplomatic initiatives. When North Korea released Otto Warmbier in 2017 and three other detained Americans the following year, it served as the beginning of a diplomatic process that would culminate in a meeting between Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

After Turkish authorities detained the pastor Andrew Brunson, the Trump administration levied harsh sanctions on that country’s steel industry, though the White House insisted it was for unrelated national security reasons.

Indeed, in his approach toward detained individuals, Trump has taken a highly transactional approach toward both Americans detained abroad and foreign nationals swept up in criminal investigations.

“They deserve credit for the people they’ve gotten released,” said James O’Brien, who served as the Obama administration’s special envoy to secure the release of Americans held hostage abroad. “The question I have is whether they’re developing strategies for each of these cases.”

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