Monday, January 7, 2019

Message to Warsaw: Tylko w twoich snach / Only in your dreams only

Entire MKultra procedure(Grotniki) in 2005/2006 was supported by sugestia I cite, "but your Polish language skills are no good, so we must go..."...and, "we will help you get new life in Russia, Chechnya, Arabia, Iran, USA, UK  and so on and so on"...
It was first explanation how I will be given great chance in Poland(same as prior to that Putin advertised and Netanyahu and so on and so on) and the what will follow in case I wouldn't fulfill requirements(you will be taken away to another country)...
You will have to travel on your own guys...and I will remain poor nobody right here in Poland ;)))

Requirements(even when fulfilled and they always were so far by far exceeded), however, didn't count as MKultra procedure continued to suggest one scenario only and that one was on how I will be hijacked or even thrown out of the country(brain surgeries and directed energy weapons play as Eastern Europeans finally got ahold of them)...

It was always asserted a black scenario in MKultra "in case you would fail to...", but never ever anything positive(positive were only a "better" opportunities for which Kaczynski and his powns though would appeal to me after compelling me into subhuman conditions)

So for that matter too(its not that I would give f*** either way), you guys talk to yourself only. I know I have used f*** word and middle finger, but I deem the two to be appropriate because every word and actions makes sense(have its spot at the right time which may used to fortify or lesson own/view position on present or future) and as long as one is not frustrated when using one(is not using those due to impulsive self destructive pattern), its quite okay to use one here and then...
I wish you(you are not much different in my eyes either) the same as to 30 Chechen Russian families(have never ever seen any of them within 4 months here either in the language school or to speak a single word in Polish language)...buon viaggio to all of you ;))))

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