Monday, January 6, 2020

At Gdanska 10 in Lodz since yesterday - waw, now thats a place with history

This was a #1 destination for individual from Belarus(Minsk - KGB Valerio) who met me yet again during 2018/2019 first in Debak near Wrszaw and then as one would escort me in vicinity of Lodz(Grotnikih). Let me just be straight forward with it...I was first familiarized with vicinity location in 2002 - Zachodnia street, but timing could go even as far as into 1999 when in Zgierz with Trump. I can give some insane information about one if you are up to doubts...its this knowledge that created real real problems for me along with covert KGB operation which went on in area already since at least 2005/2006. Yes, I penetrated wall with KGB into areas of prohibited knowledge for ordinary people and this without even fully realizing. People I have on my mind were and are nice KGBs. Not some thugs, but people with good souls willing to help. My writing probably scares both sides right now, but thats good because we need to improve mutual Slavic relations based on trust and without seen here, none will be ever granted from either side. For this writing, I actually obtained clearance from Moscow alone. I cite, "will see what you will write when we give you whole undercover operation on hand".

Well, there isn't much to write you know...its simple. Through life I learned real value of myself on the West where I immigrated at age 23, and that one made me believe I have truly nothing more common with one that costly problems which hunted me afterwards to very today when at age 48. 

Being most crucial part of Trump's neonazi team concentrated on destruction of greater Slavic society through division, I proudly declare therefore nothing as "common" and as far as West and everything as far as furthest Slavic country known as Russia. I am afraid to disappoint you, but there is really nothing more to write/say here...on a first place, I am a consequence of idiotic Balkan politics - grown in brutal school system and then let go to West rather than what should be our Slavic my life, I didn't even have the opportunity to know anything beyond mother Russia other than threats and beatings during MKultra....faces became even more distant - unrecognizable even more since completely lost in a "never-land"(on West for which facial recognition adjusted itself)

For all this, I have to thank on first place Eastern European politicians unwilling to adjust economic climate to international standards on time and the need to keep in touch with other Slavic tribes. Whole MKultra case grew over period of 15 years through torture into unbearable frustration/trauma which brought me in a conflict with whole world. Conflict, however, did have good consequences for me since my reasoning is rather based on logic - in 2017, I ended in Ukraine and in Belarus...prohibited for mind Belarus specially re-branded my life spiritually. One opened clouded, but once preached in schools views into new possibilities. Into new horizons which made my life better in spiritual sense. I can say to be in peace with myself because of 2017 trip to Belarus/Ukraine. There is a whole more I managed to pull out of mentioned conflict - I learned to appreciate(just now you know - perhaps for the last two weeks) through understanding a real value of people willing to assist/help beyond even their work duties. There are people like this you know - everywhere on globe. One just have to open his/her heart and they find their way into our lives. Such is also the story of few Russians/Belorussians(the same for me) whom  I have met in Poland - they too wanted to give their share of help to me because of their believes in me as a human being and I know nothing more valuable in this world. Poland was an eye opener in every sense - sense in which I am determined to continue my life path(concentrating on people like this rather than bad on this world which also can be found anywhere on globe empowers human being to maximum potential  is all I can witness you - I know why is am trying to tell you).

There is truly nothing more to add here...perhaps in some interview, but many people really prayed for me(some incredible great people gave in due to above mentioned and few even insisted beyond reasonable - thank you to all) beyond what I possibly could imagine. Its why I am happy to be right in here and determined to make world better place.

Was told for what you see here to call photo "10 years of MKultra time travel". Not so. We were on both locations early - very very early...both hostels with both owners officially opened in 2013.

And across the street(in early times Americans were frequent visitors of bordello which became  hostel in 2013) students housing where wild things went on as well for few extra dollars.

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