Sunday, December 10, 2017

Bush entrusted me on how he lectured personally Putin regarding his coworkers, so grand global NEONAZI plan would come through :))))

Putin suggested me that as Russian president(if I would ever become), I wouldn't be allowed to leave Russia ever again due to state secrets which I would be entrusted with(weapons etc.)...Putin alone, however, have attended secret classes with Bush(George Bush was his personal tutor) on how to get read of pro Russian people(and on what levels), so those wouldn't interfere with his plan. Maine 2007 -

Regarding me becoming Russian president...Putin/Medvedev and few others were totally in bed with American neonzis...David Duke and others(including John de Nugent who claims to have been victim of MKULTRA)...there was a Russian woman one time who worked in a large Moscow company, but I can't recall details about her - KGB has those details...I cite her, "I don't know anything about who those people are(pointing me in Russian pedestrians which walked by the two of us one morning)...they are from other regions and are not like us...mixed...I will be more than glad to collaborate with Americans and we(my family) are good friends with Duke etc."...

No worries about my becoming Russian president...I don't think I would be "productive" in an environment like this...and Putins and Medvedevs don't like me anymore(they don't like REAL me, they liked the one who was drugged up and with knife under the throat) either...
They had plan on somehow justify MKULTRA torture against me(they are in cahoots with one another), but they only lied to one another through me and hoped that I will depict them in light which would be beneficial to them. Even had scenarios that suggested me on how I failed as Russian president and have ended as babysitter of some Russian female with whom I have made kids...etc...

George W. Bush describes the time he went fishing with Putin

President Bush, left and Russian President Vladimir Putin, fish near the Bush family compound in Kennebunkport, AP

Yes, Putin wins - Russians and other Slavs become foreigners on land of their own...nice...thats what we had going on for the last 16 years(Putin won US elections, Brexit, hacked emails and so on, so neonazios could write parallel to their NAZI propaganda a story about new Russian Czar) I RIGHT PUTIN !!????

Former president George H.W. Bush was thrilled to process the request. "Just let me know what you need, son," he said. 

"When Putin arrived on July 1, 2007, Dad met his plane at the airport in New Hampshire and accompanied him on the helicopter ride to Walker's Point. Then he took both of us for a speedboat ride," Bush writes.

"Although initially startled by the idea of a eighty-three-year-old former President driving the boat at top speed, Putin loved the ride. (His interpreter looked like he was about to fly out the back of the boat.) 

"The next morning, we had a long conversation about missile defense, in which we found some common ground. We then went fishing. Fittingly, Putin was the only one who caught anything," according to the memoir.

(In 2009, the US and Russia announced a "reset" in relations. It hasn't worked out.) <==ohh yesss, it did ;)))

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