No sir...its that "With family like this, no one needs enemies".
Is this disguting enough !!????? Many out there are saying that are MKULTRA survivors, none of them, however, ever explained anything about how MKULTRA works or have done anything for the people to understand what one is....I even pointed at who did it to me, how, and why...I have had less than nothing do(banned from society and almost deprived of sanity since 1995 = 22 job allowed, no unemplyment compensation, and mental hospitals where tortured to death for 18 months...psychitric terror at home where they would regularly come to visit me followed up on me for another 3 years)...
All this thanks to my mamma and my pappa who would try to ran over cats and dogs with his German VW buggy(and other cars) at whatever opportunity...he tortured chickens in the backyard while neighbors watched(he would flick with rubber, roosters in the crowns till those would turn mad and have attacked eveyone) and no one ever said sorry word to him - they all sided with him againt me(they al claimed behind his back that one is mad, but they all sided with him against me). Thank you very much...
All this thanks to my mamma and my pappa who would try to ran over cats and dogs with his German VW buggy(and other cars) at whatever opportunity...he tortured chickens in the backyard while neighbors watched(he would flick with rubber, roosters in the crowns till those would turn mad and have attacked eveyone) and no one ever said sorry word to him - they all sided with him againt me(they al claimed behind his back that one is mad, but they all sided with him against me). Thank you very much...
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