Friday, February 28, 2020

Trump already won 2020 - via controlled democratic party and Coronavirus anarchy

Its game over for US in respect to 2020. As urgent health measures, world must unite against creator of one and not fall to chaotic neonazi trap prepared to isolate even China(no longer Iran only) from normal trade relations with one another. Same people involved as in death on African continent

Bill Gates was involved in my MKultra case just ad Musk/Bezos...its not billionaire club, its stolen US taxpayers money which begun to hide itself behind nazi swastika on bright daylight with hope to attract traitors from other countries interested more in own banking needs(personal bank accounts) than people. With politic like this, US and Putins are pushing global society into global conflict via global division - white, yellow, black, etc...systematic death of humanity. Its why I call for Japan, Koreas, China, and INDIA to unite in their survival interests and help rest of humanity understand about what goes on. I further call eastern Europe to declare war on curruption virus known as CROWN(corona brexit thirst for stollen taxpayers money) virus - makes sense as bunch if currupt bureaucrats fights for them(financed by Buckingham palace too) and people sleep.

Warren, Biden, Sanders hocus pocus. Mental retard in white House rather than being incarcerated won elections via losses of so called opposition.

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