Tuesday, August 22, 2017

It is AMAZING how American JEW who is posing as whitey goes to publicly insult other races(the one insulted the most is white, but they are too stupid to realize) - watch this

JEW's name is Ari Shaffir and he loves to PUBLICLY play divide and conquer game with all races out there at expense of whites. Yes, folks...for what you and I would end on court(in jail and jobless for the rest of our lives) is permitted by US authorities to a JEWS as seen here...whites whose country was stolen by this very ZIOFASCIST scum get in fact even satisfaction from watching JEW performing all kinds of sick(sadistic) methods on people of other races(laugher and joy that supports myth about KKK, nazis, white hatred etc.) at youtube - even his "God chosen" race(small price to pay if you consider that we are 8 billion and Jews total 10 million - it works very very well for them)...

He is told off over and over again by people of other races(way more intelligent than average American whitey who is intimidated to call filth a filth due to fear of affirmative action), but US Government somehow manages to convince victims that it only a joke...a fun and even good for them to see what American whites are like(perhaps to teach them how to defend themselves from evil "nazis" in the future when they have to face them in person...don't worry - those exist as Hitleyahu creates them - see photo below and follow the link)...

I call American whites and whites worldwide to disavow KKK as well as NAZI customs/symbols as those promote Satanism(ZIOFASCISM) more than anything in this world(you give them reason to breathe air/exist and you ridicule white race with display of total insanity - insanity unacceptable for eastern European as well as other white people)...you have to understand that Hitler murdered over 50 million people(story about "6 million" doesn't even matter) and have burned world to the ground(white colonial powers went into zero as a result and Europe is a third world's colony today as a result of Hitler's lunacy - 25 million Russians died !!!)...you have to understand that we became slaves because of Hitler's stupidity and that everybody wanted the same as Germans did(incl. Stalin whom Jews have teached you to hate - have done same with communism, feminism, gay and all other issues that possibly can be used to divide and destroy person/nation - UNITE INSTEAD !!! OPEN YOUR DAMN EYES ALREADY AND START TO FIGHT BACK WITH TRUTH !!! CHINA PEOPLE, BY THE WAY, ARE VERY WELCOME ON THIS PAGE...YOU ARE WELCOME TO PARTICIPATE HERE AND SO ARE FILIPINOS...all our friends are welcome here !!! We all have common goal and that is to get rid of evil once and for ever to live in peace and harmony !!!) !!!

Yes you are amazing...in fact, it is amazing that you still breath air...that you still walk among us...it is actually incredible !!! http://ausertimes.blogspot.si/2017/08/what-difference-is-between-you-and-jew.html

It doesn't matter if you are Chinese or Arab, or white or whatever...JEW wants to exterminate us !!! JEW is exterminating us and Israel is nothing else than crime warehouse !!!

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