Thursday, August 17, 2017

Within less than week, entire American ZIOFASCIST structure collapses, but there is no way back !!! When you are on the front line under my command, your worst enemy is in direction of your retreat !!!

Hitleryahu's grand Israel operation now only his nightmare(present location of Binjamin Hitleryahu is under the bed - too much light outside right now - you see, he doesn't want to catch "cold")...

The retreat of the enemy took place within hours...Auser Times doesn't miss !!!

Alex Jones changed his mind within less than week, Donald Trump within hours, but there is no place to run(hide)....American ZIOFASCIST politics revealed in front of entire world(entire elite on sticks) is rather laughable....

Jones who changed his( mind ended up like this....

Donald J. Kushner Trumpolin like that..
I believe it is over for this ZIOFASCIST bastard traitor will soon be replaced by same establishment he worked and works for... 

What now !!???? Well Ziofascists will try to get in game other players who have betrayed in the past and are at least somewhat known on the scene(not even necessary political story will be on Schwartzy who stabbed/sold America and Europe time and again)...Pixy and Dumbsy(McCain and Lindsey Grahm) already cook new conspiracy theories again to get ZIOFASCIST Ameroshit show going - we may hear more about Putin(Russian) hackers, possible attack on North Korea(angry ZIOFASCIST pipe dream - just wait to read my article on North Korean weaponry that I am preparing if Chinese arsenal is not scary enough for you - in many areas, Chinese are much much more sophisticated than US), and so on...

Basically nothing new from country which have painted itself with shit and would want this shit to be further used to get attention from the rest of the world(this is why Alex Jones is a multi millionaire and this is why we Europeans can't use even paypal for donations - its our European Union politicians that disallow us to provide REAL news, so they can get ZIOFASCIST Ameroshit show going)...

What to do !!???

If you are European politician and you are asking yourself this question, you deserve slap so hard that should land you in hospital for a while(I expect contracts on table in respect to and not questions - let "Pixy and Dumbsy" do their politics as USA is growing more and more irrelevant economically and militarily in the world...Americans who have gotten themselfs in this ZIOFASCIST bananarepublik position will find the way out on their own or not !!! I FRANKLY DO NOT CARE "WHAT IF/WHAT IF NOT" !!! For me is of preliminary importance that we play our own politics and stop smelling attention seeking American whoreshiting ZIOFASCIST circus...we must secure our own future and that means that we have to prioritize ourselfs - CREATE OUR OWN GAME THAT WILL MAKE OTHERS PLAY ACCORDING TO OUR RULES...this type of mentality can't hurt American whites either because it will give them what all other races in the world have - white homeland where they can freely express their concerns without fear to stay jobless on streets for the rest of their lives as the case is in USA for over 75 years now)...

Too many criminals, too few courts - but luckily enough bullets !!!

A cleanup will be necessary !!! Stalin could tell you that at one point(till the end of the WWII), everything was normal...just few years after WWII, things changed for world so fast via USA where Jews took control, that he had to seal borders and execute numerous traitors to stop infectious(contagious) ZIOFASCIST disease that could otherwise take down all Eastern European nations together with Russia within years(just as the case was in USA) - nations outside of the Warsaw pact who first opposed this principles have soon found themselves doing same(Iran etc.) !!!


Any advice for us who need you sir today on global scale !!??
Killed(Poisoned) by Jews in 1952, after liberating and even giving them autonomic state in Russian part of Siberia( !!! Jews who claim to be victims of persecution don't care about this piece of land that is size 36,000 km2 (14,000 sq mi) - almost twice as big as Israel(20,770–22,072 km2 - 8,019–8,522 sq mi) !!! They care(are obsessed with) about control !!!

I quote Stalin:  "Every Jewish nationalist is the agent of the American intelligence service. Jewish nationalists think that their nation was saved by the United States (there you can become rich, bourgeois, etc.). They think they're indebted to the Americans. Among doctors, there are many Jewish nationalists."

The most disgusting(criminally insane and ugly) species world have ever seen !!!

In a Satanic Jew controlled world where jobs are prohibited and even the way to charge for my articles is prohibited(they control this as well), I am asking you kindly to invest in your future by buying me few of this - so I can continue to stick them where those belong !!! They have ruined my life(tortured me physically and mentally, kept me unemployed for 11 years and out of my professions as educated for - my entire life), and are even threatening to one... Thank you 

Auser Times = Lighten them up...

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