Wednesday, November 1, 2017

George Bush's Pentagon diligently collected(created) a biomarker of Russian DNA for proper extermination of Russian population.....

NOTE: A biomarker, or biological marker, generally refers to a measurable indicator of some biological state or condition. The term is also occasionally used to refer to a substance whose detection indicates the presence of a living organism. Biomarkers are often
measured and evaluated to examine normal biological processes, pathogenic processes, or pharmacologic responses to a therapeutic intervention(and more than just a therapeutic intervention as you see here). Biomarker indicates a change in expression or state of a protein that correlates with the risk or progression of a disease, or with the susceptibility of the disease to a given treatment(keep in mind that so-called "treatments" can be distributed via food suply or air/water pollution).

Other biomarkers can be based on measures of the electrical activity of the brain (using Electroencephalography (so-called Quantitative electroencephalography (qEEG)) or Magnetoencephalography), or volumetric measures of certain brain regions (using Magnetic resonance imaging) or saliva testing of natural metabolites, such as saliva nitrite, a surrogate marker for nitric oxide.
What biomarker's field is most concerned with are issues in an individual(issues in certain portions of the population that belongs to particular DNA group) such as sensitivity/ specificity/

robustness/  accuracy/reproducibility in one...It starts with

experimental validation(development of the most adapted protocol for routine use of the biomarker in certain DNA group) and ends with protocol standardization(his standardizes(finalizes summary) previously validated/established protocol for routine use(identifies and controls the potential risks of above mentioned).

Imagine to have Dr. Hannibal Lecter(Josef Mengele) surround your country with Bio Labs(are properly called "Bio-Defense Labs" because Americans have to be defended on Russian borders) and have CIA dudes do country drive as tourists or CEOs of American/EU corporations(over the road DNA and other samples collection via hijackings/prostitution that heavily involved MKULTRA - and what wasn't done wit Russians inside of the Russia, AmeroGerman NEONAZIS collected properly
via "human rights" issues or "free visa lottery" invitations to the US = AmeroGermanScandinavian and British NEONAZI governments have literary collected human DNA and other samples of humans in certain regions based on which they have and will continue to develop extermination diseases via biomarking technologies = exterminations may no be done with single flue, but with combination of different/variety diseases, nothing is unstoppable - meaning that disappearing population which would become either demented or sick wouldn't even know what is happening till all too late - this is what social engineering is used for and Eugenicists love it in USA for a while already !!!).


Pentagon Explains Why It Was Collecting Biomarkers of Russian People

The Spokesman for Air Education and Training Command explained that the researchers are using the samples to conduct musculoskeletal research aimed at identifying the different biomarkers associated with injury and were not targeting Russians with the study.


What's Cooking? The Alarming Rise of US Bio-Defense Labs on Russia's Borders

Concern in Russia is increasing over the growing number of hard-to-access, double-purpose medical laboratories, financed by the US Department of Defense, appearing alongside its borders; they are researching biological weapons, indicating that they are "not entirely peaceful".

The US is constantly citing Russia as a "major threat" not only to itself but to its "European allies." Washington has been using this as a pretext for the deployment of additional contingents of NATO troops alongside Russia's borders.
However, it seems this is not the only "preventive measure" which is being set up on the Russian frontiers.

Earlier in September, Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov reminded that Washington opposes the idea of tightening international control over biological weapons.

Even though it was once announced that "the government in Georgia has decided to change the ownership of the Richard G Lugar Public Health Research Center in Tbilisi" and to "hand it over to the National Center of Disease Control and Public Health (NCDC), a space has been allocated for US Centers for Disease Control, the so-called Walter Reed’s Scientific Research Institute, and US and European universities."

Another facility is the Central Reference Laboratory near Almaty, Kazakhstan, which is set to become operational this month under the Cooperative Biological Engagement Program led by the US Department of Defense.

"The $103 million laboratory is set to house highly secure Biosafety Level 2 and 3 research areas containing state-of-the-art molecular diagnostic and research equipment for the study of contagious animal and human diseases," according to information provided by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency.

The facility has the same very sponsor as the Georgian one, Sen. Richard Lugar.

In 2013 in Ukraine alone, it says, the US created laboratories in Vinnytsia, Ternopil, Uzhhorod, Kiev, Dnepropetrovsk, Simferopol, Kherson, Lviv and Lugansk.

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