Sunday, November 12, 2017

Wasted 18 hours between yesterday and today because even internet didnt operate

Language options keep changing on its own(all remote settings are off dont worry), computers cant connect to internet via cable(have installed instead Linux to see if it will be any better - it was till I was gonna post this news on blogger, then hard drive begun to spin for 15 minutes - all video recorded - just like Facebook, blogger hacks computers) - fought verbally with T2 internet company for several hours today and no such thing as help. Wait till tomorrow to get new ip address is what am told(because I have also connected router and second computer in attempt to get internet work via cable is their excuse FOR THIRD DAY ALREADY as they continue to disconnect me - force me therefore to connect to router and other computer). Adapters uninstall themselves from laptop...internet works 2/3/4 hours and then its gone, but one can see cable flashing...other computer magically became no couldn't see even adapters(wifi/cable) installed...

I am in impossible situation here and its not because of NAZI Trump or Angela Merkel/Buckingham palace/Hitleryahu/Borut Pahor only...the biggest NEONAZI trash is located at this time in Kremlin. This trash will trade even Slovenia for his appetites with NAZI Italian/German governments(Angela Merkel confirmed me division of Slovenia among Italy and Hungary and worse is that Putin sees one as okay because he would gain access via such deal to Ukraine)...

This is NOT a toxic addiction either as I was told it will by sadistic American NEONAZI criminals when abducted(you folks have no idea how much mentally sick and bestial were people involved in MKULTRA torture against me)....¨we will block your income and you will write such and such news that will be¨ etc...

This is just a way to f**** them back as much as I can and possibly even gain whatever is left out of my totally wasted life....nothing other than that...I have had hope, but hope was crashed because I learned what whole ordeal was about...I learned what they truly wanted from me...I learned who was behind it all and why...

You are a disaster Putin(others that I met from Belarus or Russia were no different and Poles, Czech, Slovaks instead off taking stand against what they witness, act as numb...stupid...retarded - they side with Israel for the sake of the money and Hungarian NEONAZI Viktor Orban who cant wait to see them dead - again colonized)...death of Russia and Slavs is what you are Putin.

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