Sunday, November 26, 2017

Indian military tests successfully mach 3 BrahMos from plane and Russia have mach 8 Zircon hypersonic missile in service, but British's Gestapo boss(neonazi lord Charles) have his submarines ready(for himself and his ugly family) that can seat on the bottom of the radioactive ocean for 25 years(each)...

Yes, there is a way for so-called "Royals"(regular parasites) and other elites to hide from the direct hit before they will miserably suffocate under the poisonous radioactive ocean(puddle of death)...
Like this will Charles and his family escape with Bushes(Berlusconis and Merkels and Macronis) and others from
Russian/Chinese and Indian is more effective than mountain bunkers(while Americans are daydreaming about tungsten sticks with kinetic energy, Russians/Chinese and Indians already have real/factual sticks right here on earth that will be stuck with 100% accuracy in heartland of US if needed), but am not sure on whether these can deradiate salt water etc(you know, Charles has a great great imagination/hallucination...Charles suffers heavily in his head and is convinced that his life is much harder than ours...we will lose more than Charles according to his logic and he is right - what is to life anyways when chief idiot seats in throne)...

British "crises" are coming to an end very very fast(very soon will GB merge officially back in EU with lowered tail - too little - too late)....all the hatred via forced unemployment imposed on indigenous British population with the idea to have British curse own relatives(because they defended Britain from ugly HITLER'S NEO NAZI beasts in WWII - you see) will soon end and all will go back to old "normal"....last NEONAZI attempt to break Russia psychologically(what this was all about - starve one to death with sanctions and threaten one militarily to give into neonazi mercy - cooperation) to destroy systematically whatever is >>>non-nordic white<<< on planet earth(including Russians) failed indefinitely....
British/Belgian and other "Royals"(clowns/parasites), didn't have so much impact on India's decisions after all...this is what  Russian Indian top military venture looks like....

According to Macron alone to me per why this operation(now failed) was so important...I cite Macron, "because we are losing arms race to Russia/China/India and others and we have to regain somehow colonial control"....

Thank you for your honesty Mr. Macron...



Russia military official claims mach 8 Zircon hypersonic missile is operational
The head of Russia’s defense council Viktor Bondarev confirmed the Zircon cruise missile is now available in Russia’s arsenal while speaking on Tuesday. The weapon – which Russia boasts is capable of Mach 8 – was last tested back in June.

In April 2017, it was revealed that the Zircon had reached a speed of Mach 8 (6,090 mph; 9,800 km/h; 2,722.3 m/s) during a test.

According to the state-owned media, the longest range is 540 nmi (620 mi; 1,000 km) for this purpose a new fuel was created.

The Zircon will be incorporated into the Kirov-class battlecruiser Admiral Nakhimov in 2018, and the Pyotr Velikiy in 2022.

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